
          	Check out this Inkie Critique Thread run by YuffieProductions:


1. Your former inkpop username: Erica Danielle Carroll
          2. One thing you miss about inkpop: The thorough responses to your works. 
          3. One thing you like about Wattpad: The amount of people willing to read your works. 
          4. Are you also on Figment [ Yes ✔ ] / [ No ☐]* (But I don't go on there hardly ever). 
          5. What would you like to see from Inkpad Official? A collection of inkpop projects and a way for all of us to connect.


1. Your former inkpop username: Mysterygrl20
          2. One thing you miss about inkpop: The community and critiques.
          3. One thing you like about Wattpad: Possibly the diversity.
          4. Are you also on Figment [Yes] And Hexbound.
          5. What would you like to see from Inkpad Official? A collection of Inkie projects by genre. And then maybe a collection of the Top 5s.


1. Your former inkpop username: inktwister
          2. One thing you miss about inkpop: EVERYTHING. But if I have to pick one then it would be the very detailed reviews.
          3. One thing you like about Wattpad: Um... libraries?
          4. Are you also on Figment? [ Yes ✔] / [ No ☐] I have an account but I don't use it.
          5. What would you like to see from Inkpad Official? Inkie projects


1. Your former inkpop username: Kirky
          2. One thing you miss about inkpop: Everything
          3. One thing you like about Wattpad: The little meebo system that telling you if something's happened, like you have a message or something
          4. Are you also on Figment [ Yes ☐] / [ No ☐]* Put a ✔ in the one you want.   No
          5. What would you like to see from Inkpad Official? (leave blank if you want)  It would be nice to see all the inkie stories in the reading lists.


1. Your former Inkpop username: Vaichi10
          2. One (more, please?) thing you miss about Inkpop: the amazing community that were so welcoming and helpful, and really cared about their co-writers. The constructive criticism that propelled me on the right track. The randomness of the forums, especially the Procrastinators and the Sleepy Inkies. The concept of Picks that gave me something to work toward.
          3. One thing you like about Wattpad: the friendly Wattpadders and dedicated readers. Oh, and the app :P
          4. Are you also on Figment: Yes. But I rarely log in.
          5. What would you like to see from Inkpop Official: don't let the Inkpop community drift apart. Keep us glued together.


1. Your former inkpop username: June Summer Baby
          2. One thing you miss about inkpop: The fact that you didn't necessarily "fan" someone but you became their friend. Also, the stories that I was in the middle of reading but didn't get to finish cuz of the migration. 
          3. One thing you like about Wattpad: That you can IM the person
          4. Are you also on Figment [ Yes ✔ ] But I haven't been on in FOREVER! 
          5. What would you like to see from Inkpad Official? I honestly don't know. 


Your former inkpop username: Raven Paramour or Raven Paramore
          2. One thing you miss about inkpop: the constructive criticism along with the Top 5. (Even though the Top 5 became more of a popularity contest in the end and back when the HC reviews were useful) I think it was a great concept.  
          3. One thing you like about Wattpad: People are  very friendly and supportive. Also I found people that liked my work and more than I could say back on Inkpop. Also I did find some really good stories on here so that's a mega plus. And also the IM thing is good as well along with being able to send massive messages to everyone. It was a pain to have to send individual messages to everyone. I know its more than one... So yeah. 
          4. Are you also on Figment [ Yes ✔ ] I rarely go on though. I joined so I can keep in touch with people but not for posting up anything. I'm under the name RavenParamour1066. 


1. Your former inkpop username: Kailyn Eylse
          2. One thing you miss about inkpop: The contests. I haven't been able to find any that can match up to Inkpop's amazing contests. 
          3. One thing you like about Wattpad: The broader rang of story's. 
          4. Are you also on Figment [ Yes  ✔] / [ No ☐]* 
          5. What would you like to see from Inkpad Official? (leave blank if you want)


1. Your former inkpop username: mscheponik
          2. One thing you miss about inkpop: The forums were a bit easier to navigate, imo. And it was easier to find really good critics to tear through your work's content and tell you what works, what doesn't, as opposed to just doing a grammar/proof edit. 
          3. One thing you like about Wattpad: Easier to keep up with knowing when someone's updated a story you're following. People seem nice enough.
          4. Are you also on Figment [ Yes  ✔] / [ No ☐]
          5. What would you like to see from Inkpad Official? (leave blank if you want) Not sure, but I like the idea of this way to get everyone in contact again.