So... Hi? I've been wanting to do this for a while but never really knew how so I figured this would be a good way
In the past when I was still on here frequently I was a very toxic and bad person... I take full responsibility for my actions and just hope that I didn't affect anyone too badly. I know I burned a lot of bridges that I wish I hadn't but that's something that comes with getting older right? I'm sorry for all of the... For lack of a better term insanity and chaos I put those who I considered friends through (lying, dumb things for attention, etc.)- I'm not sure of this will reach all or any of them but I hope it does. I'm not asking to be forgiven I'm apologizing to apologise. I'm much more stable now and I wish I had been then as well. To anyone I've hurt or made uncomfortable I'm so so sorry. If anyone wants to talk my private messages are always open- Even if it's just to tell me off. If anyone so wishes I would be very happy to try and be friends again but if not I don't blame you and if you're not interested in an apology I understand. I wish everyone the best in all of life and I'm here if anyone needs me.