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          When the girl(s) you have a crush on embarrass you in front of your dad (Fathoms Below AU):
          Marian, shamelessly dishing out the praise and doing her best to appeal to Eric Venue while still maintaining all the decorum of a royal: Oh, he's as cute as ever, Mr. Venue. You see, I'm actually not from here and I've seen guys with worse manners than him back in my dimension. Don't get me started on my ex-boyfriend, he was one of those jerks. Vil though? He could send my ex running for the hills. Sometimes he's a little too strict and harsh with his classmates, which is why the other guys were so hesitant, but Vil does his best to learn from his mistakes and he's only hard on others because he cares about them immensely. This even extends to the classmates he doesn't always see eye-to-eye with. I wouldn't worry too much about him being hard on others unless he crosses a line because he's actually even harder on himself because he has some struggles with self-esteem, and I'm pretty good about helping him if he goes too far. As for his cuteness, we have picnics late at night and we chat for hours before it's time for bed and he sleeps in my lap after he's had a rough day. I get him to take breaks for his mental health and we play all kinds of games together. We also run around campus like we're kids, and we sing and we dance, and-
          Vil, covering Marian's mouth: *flustered* Okay! That's ENOUGH, Marian!
          Marian, licking Vil's gloved hand to get him to let go: What? It's true, and there's no paparazzi around. We made sure we were dining in the VIP section and took every precaution possible. You can never be too safe, of course, but none of this will affect your image badly. In fact, it's actually beneficial, and if the paparazzi try to make a big deal of it and twist it for their own gain, they'll just be making a controversy out of nothing that can easily be silenced. *pops the escargot from her own plate in her mouth*


Vil, shocked when she licks his gloved hand because of how expensive the gloves are: I...uh... *silent with a deep blush on his face*
            Eric Venue, brightening: You're Marian Caroll. The young lady Vil has a crush on.
            Vil, even more flustered: PAPA!!!!!!!!!!


Fathoms Below AU:
          After Jamil’s overblot…
          Yuki: Make yourself at home, Jamil. Our dorm is still kind of Ramshackle, but we’ve had help making money and fixing it up. And just focus on your recovery, panda paws, I’ll get you something to eat.
          Jamil: I still can’t get over the fact that we’re dating, and that you insist on calling me panda paws. I like it. *smiles back at Yuki when she smiles at him to go make him food*
          Yuuken, placing his hand on Jamil’s shoulder: Take good care of Yuki, okay? She’s the baby of the family and the youngest member, and it’s not that I don’t trust you or don’t understand where you’re coming from, but while I empathize with you, I’m not condoning your actions or giving you a free pass for them. However, I don’t blame you either. Additionally, you did the right thing in the You’ll likely be sent to the rehabilitation center with the other overblot victims to recover from this during your spare time, including where you’d normally partake in club activities, and you’ll get medical care, but you’ll need to face legal consequences for your actions and do community service in addition to whatever your punishment will be just as Riddle, Leona, & Azul did.
          Jamil: Understandable, I think that’s fair. And Yuki was the one who pulled me out of the bad place I was in and she’s my first love, and I intend for her to be my only love because of all she’s done for me. Please take my magical pen and get Kalim to use it against me if I mess this up, I love her something fierce and I’ve obviously lost my mind if I screw our relationship up.
          Yuuken: I will, and I’m glad we’re on the same page. Welcome to Ramshackle, Jamil.


            Epel, overhearing: *takes pity on Vil* *steps up* I’ll do it. I’ll help you win the VDC, but I’m going to do it MY way.
            Vil, shocked: Really?


            Vil: I…think you both know. The fate of NRC and its’ students hinges on me winning the VDC and surpassing Neige because their future prospects will be destroyed if I can’t. We were only narrowly saved at the Spelldrive tournament by the skin of our teeth when Ramshackle played in Savanaclaw’s place their victory as magic-less students and students who can’t use their magic turned out to be beneficial for the whole university. If I lose, the futures of our classmates will be lost forever, and it will be all my fault for failing them. It’s too much. I have enough on my plate. I’ve been so tense I’ve started taking stress-relieving potions just to sleep at night, but I woke up shirtless on the roof with symptoms that mirrored a hangover this morning. I think…I think I’ve lost my mind. Everything hurts and for once, I’m actually thinking about giving up. I can’t live like this anymore.


            Ronja: Hon, we're not fooled by that.
            Rook: Roi du Poison, we all know that you're not the type to have an accident. You're not reckless like that. These scars are made with precision. Just tell us what is going on.


Malleus & The Fellowship (Fathoms Below AU): 
          Aragorn, to Frodo: You have my sword.
          Legolas, stepping up: And my bow.
          Gimli, stepping up as well: And my axe.
          Calemir, stepping up as well: With all due respect, Lord Elrond, are you really going to leave the saving of the world to the men? What this mission needs is a woman’s touch. Count me in.
          Lilia & Malleus, eyes widening: *silent*
          Sam, running in: Mr. Frodo's not going anywhere without me!
          Elrond, amused: No indeed, it is hardly possible to seperate you, even when he is summoned to a secret council and you are not.
          Pippin and Merry, running in from behind some pillars: *puff up*
          Merry: Wait! we're coming too! You'd have to send us home tied up in a sack to stop us!
          Pippin: Anyway you need people of intelligence on this sort of mission ..........thing.
          Merry: Well, that rules you out Pip.
          Calemir, amused: I’m sure he’s intelligent in his own way. He’s a Took, after all.
          Elrond: 10 companions…So be it! You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring!
          Pippin: Great! Where are we going?
          Lilia, gawking: Are you serious?
          Malleus, piping: I wanna go too!
          Calemir and Legolas, fearful: NO!!!!!!
          Calemir: You stay here, Malleus. I’m very sorry, but this is something you can’t follow us on, besides. We need you to take care of things at home while we’re gone.
          Malleus, disappointed: Okay. *crosses his fingers behind his back*


@InnaTheArtist Calemir: But I love you and Lilia, too, Mira, so I often feel torn.


            Calemir: Agreed, he only tolerates you because I’m his sister and you helped Lilia and I raise him, but he’s my brother so I’m biased. I have to love him, and I can say I don’t all I want, but I’d be lying to myself and others if I try to say that, and it doesn’t mean I actually hate him. He’s been a different person since his wife died, and I wish I could have helped before he broke. I keep dreaming one day I'll open that door, and there he'll be, just the way he was. A smiling, happy little boy, holding a new pet and begging me to let him keep it. Legolas did the same thing and Malleus still does. *sees Malleus trying to hug Calemir too, but also steal food from her plate* Malleus, you don’t need to grab things from my plate, if you’re hungry, just say so. I’ll feed you. And no stealing food. We all need to ration, and since your fate is tied to us and the quest, I think it’s high time we taught you self-defense and how to channel your magic. You’re not to take part in battle or fights because you’re too young and I remember what it did to Legolas and Thranduil. I don’t want that to happen to you too. You’ll see a lot of things you shouldn’t, so we’ll try to cover your eyes or have you escape with one of the members of our Fellowship.


            Mirabella: I have a more neutral opinion on him. But it leans to dislikes. He kept blaming me for whatever happens due to the biases against changlings. He doesn't mind that I'm in a poly relationship with Lilia and Calemir, but for some reason doesn't like that I happen to exist as a changling? It's not like I can change my damn species!
            Malleus, purring and clicking as he cuddles up to Legolas:*cue him making grabby hands at Mirabella.*
            Mirabella, sighing: Alright, alright. Auntie's here. *cuddles him too.*


The Antics of Vil Schoenheit and Marian Caroll (Fathoms Below AU): 
          Vil, fussing: Hold still! This is your fault for picking a fight with them!
          Marian, who had acted reckless and impulsive: Not my fault they decided to badmouth you, and it stings! I can’t help it!
          Vil: You have a cut on your face and it’s still fresh, and if you hold still, it won’t sting as much. *pauses* What exactly did they say about me?
          Marian: They insulted you by insulting your family, and I know that’s a touchy subject for you. I didn’t damage my reputation though. There were no cameras or witnesses around.
          Vil: That’s not the point! Though I agree that would have pissed me off too. That is a sensitive subject, especially when it comes to my parents. Please come get me if that happens in the future. I’ll take care of it with you so you don’t act on impulse and get hurt.
          Marian, bracing herself: Oh Sevens, help me.
          Vil, being dramatic: *throws a tantrum* I don’t care! You lied! You said that I’d only have to wait for five more minutes! Liar! I had to wait for five and a half minutes!
          Marian: I know, Vil. I know. It took longer than expected. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Besides, I got you what you asked for. *shows him his new cushion* I think it’s a winner, don’t you?
          Vil, continuing to fuss: No, no, no, no, no!
          Marian, confused: Why not?
          Vil: The fabric, it’s cotton, not mulberry silk! This is how peasants sit!
          Marian, confused: Wait, what?
          Vil: And the color, I know I look good in anything, but seriously!? Grey!?
          Marian, shrugging: If you don’t want it, I’ll take it, but I’m not getting you another until tomorrow.
          Vil: Ugh, fiiiiine. I’m tired of this day anyways, I need a new one.
          @InnaTheArtist @Artistic-Princess


            Vil: And the reason we have to keep an eye on Honeycrisp is because he's being more demanding than usual. Something might be wrong and I don't want to leave him alone, but I know he's going to get into mischief the second he's there and I don't have a pet-sitter. Just this morning, he rejected the wet dog food he was supposed to eat and made me give him a lobster for breakfast.


            Marian: Same, I feel you. I don’t know how all my grand-aunts and grand-uncles tolerate it. The only reason I tolerate these is for the good of my kingdom and the opportunity to spend time with all of you.
            Epel: I’m more concerned as to why I was invited then.
            Marian: I think Mira’s attending. He probably wants your company since he values your companionship.
            Vil: Mira’s also a rich CEO, so that’s why he’s going to be there.


            Mason: I can't agree more. As a princess, me and my brother had to represent Camelot Isle at all times. It's TERRIBLE. I hated every single second of it. The only parties I can tolerate are small parties with acquaintances and friends.


Enemies to lovers (Twisted Wonderland: Fathoms Below AU).
          TW: mentions of groping
          Leona glared at Faith Najm after he was woken from his nap by her stepping on his tail. He didn’t know it was an accident and jumps to conclusions because touching a beastman’s ears or tail without permission is the equivalent of groping them. “Hey! You got some nerve steppin' on my tail and just walkin' away!” Grim, who was in Faith’s arms, immediately worsened the situation with what he responded to Leona with. “Are you the groundskeeper? Not sure you oughta be talkin' to students that way, pal. Especially not my partner in crime here.” Leona narrowed his eyes at that statement. “Ain't nothin' worse than bein' in the middle of a good nap and havin' some pervert step on your tail.” 
          What Faith wanted to say was: “I am so sorry!” but what came out of her mouth was: “Then maybe don't leave your tail on the path...?” Then Leona’s eyes widened. “You... I know you. You're one of the herbivores from orientation, and you’re among the herbivores who couldn't use magic.” Leona then eyed her up and down. “I dunno what's up with this guy, but when he looks at me, it makes every follicle of fur stand on end...” Grim blurted out as Leona stared Faith down. “Huh. It's true. You don't have a lick of magic on you. Well, can't say it'd be much fun to hurt someone so helpless. Still gonna do it, though. No one gets to stomp on my tail and just walk away without payin' the price.
          I'm in a bad mood on account of bein' woken up from my nap, too. That's gonna cost you a tooth.”


@InnaTheArtist “I got a text from Fatuma telling me what was going on. Come on, Vil. I’ll help you down.”


            Yuuka was trying to defuse the tension between Vil and Riddle, who were both arguing, but Vil had teary eyes and was clinging to a tree as the dormouse for the upcoming unbirthday party pattered around the garden.
            Then Marian arrived. She immediately figured out what was going on. “Riddle, I think Vil is afraid of rodents. And collaring him for letting out the dormouse by accident only made him feel more scared and threatened.”


            Fatuma grew just as concerned when Ruggie relayed the information to them. “Riddle’s collared Vil!? We’d better make that chestnut tart and make it snappy!” Fatuma explained what was going on and why they were here in the first place. “I know of someone who might be able to diffuse the situation, but only for Vil. Riddle’s still mad at Marian and Ace for fighting on the first day. Marian’s been talking nonstop about Vil since she met him.” Fatuma quickly texted Marian.


The one time the devil spawn’s well-behaved child does not behave (Fathoms Below: Calemir and Lilia AU):
          Lilia: Lily, come here. 
          Baby Lily, who was playing with her toys: *hesitates*
          Lilia: Come, it’s almost time for church. Your mother wants you to be there.
          Baby Lily, reluctantly coming over: *shy*
          Lilia: Good, now we’re going to put on your Sunday best, okay? *dresses her up in a stuffy church outfit*
          Baby Lily, silent: *starts rolling around on the carpet in an oddly quiet temper tantrum*
          Lilia, snorting in laughter: What’s wrong? You don’t like your Sunday best?
          @InnaTheArtist @Artistic-Princess


            Legolas: Well, I actually first knew I was in love with Gimli thanks to you, Malleus. You pointed it out to me when we were just a little boy. Do you remember what you said? We remind you of your grandma and grandpa, but it’s different for everyone, so we can only tell you of our own experiences to help. Although I can’t help but wonder, who is this he and she?
            Malleus, mumbling: Malik and Cyerra. They invited me someplace for the first time. No one ever has due to mom’s blessing. I think they might be able to see past it, and it feels different from when Vil invites me someplace. My heart doesn’t hurt as much as it does when I think of them, and I think I want to marry them both, but I still don’t know much about love. I know you gave me the talk, but I still don’t get it.
            Legolas: Gimli, I think I know something that might help Malleus. Where’s that picture book you’d read to your siblings to help them with this? Maybe Malleus should read it.


            Gimli: I think we should. He looks ready to burst.
            Maleficent: Oh my! That is quite a development. I suppose advice won't hurt.


            Malleus: What’s more, will any of these impress HER? How do you impress two people and what do you do if you’re in love with two people?
            Legolas, looking at Gimli and smiling: Should we tell him?


After Rook sends Epel and Vil to their rooms like a stern Dad for fighting and crossing a line (Fathoms Below/Twisted Secrets AU):
          Vil, as Marian and Mason tend to his bruises: I knew Rook was strong, but I didn’t think he was that strong, but I suppose maybe he had a point. Maybe I am being too hard on Epel.
          Marian, agreeing: Well, you have good intentions, you don’t always know when you’re being too harsh with others or crossing a line, but at least you never did anything toxic to Epel, and he had his moments too.
          Vil: What am I supposed to do? Just drop it and let it go? It’s not like we can come back to it later, if I try to bring it up, he’ll avoid it and end the conversation so he won’t have to discuss it further even though it needs to be addressed.
          Marian: No he won’t, and yes, that is exactly what you’re supposed to do because you can come back to it later, and by then everyone involved in the situation will be calm, but you have a hard time letting things go, so you refuse to.
          Vil, whips around and glares at Marian: I can too let things go. Mason, tell Marian that I can let things go.
          Marian: I never said you couldn’t let things go, and are you really going to start throwing a fit now? You need to relax.


            Marian: We still have time before the VDC, it’s only a week or so away, and it’s not technically taking a break if we’re doing it to destress before the big day. What do you both think?


@InnaTheArtist Vil, defeated: *to Marian and Mason* Fine. You both win, and maybe I do need to relax a little bit.
            Marian: *to Vil and Mason* Why don’t I ask if we can go see the city? Maybe getting off campus and having some fun will help with that.


@Not_Tireless_158 Mason: Sweetheart, I'm sorry but you never let things go. You want things your way or the highway. *to Vil.*


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When you’re led into a trap and accidentally send your mom figure to The Underworld at STYX in the middle of the city (Fathoms Below AU): 
          Jade McKellen: This seems too suspicious. Stay on your guard.
          Thanos’s Goons & Mr. Sinister: *show up with Mr. Sinister leading them as one of The Mad Titan’s Allies* 
          Jade: I knew it! It’s a trap! They’re trying to get the ingredients for the infinity stones! Run for it! 
          Mr. Sinister: Half of you, get the ingredients and the nation-tan. The rest of you, come with me. 
          Deadpool, who’s mad at Mr. Sinister for poaching his bounty AGAIN: Hey there, Captain D0uche! You know, I don’t appreciate you k¡ll¡ng my targets before I can! Now I have to collect from your sorry a$$! 
          Idia: Deadpool. Wait. *prepares his unique magic* They’re MINE. Don’t worry about your contract money. I’ll pay you. Riddle, Ortho, protect the ingredients. Deadpool, Jade, defend Francis. *turns to Mr. Sinister* As for you, I'll mop this up in one turn. Game. Set. Match. Gate to The Underworld! *opens the gate to the city and sucks Thanos’s minions in while managing to prevent the phantoms from getting loose* Now comes the fun part. Wait. *realizing his energy and magical reserves are draining rapidly because of the sheer amount of enemies he’s sucking into the gate to the underworld.* I-I can’t control it! Francis! LOOK OUT!!!!!
          Francis Bonnefoy, realizing he’s about to fall into the hole: *screams before he’s tossed up by Jade, only to slip and fall and hold onto a very thin rope, the only rope Riddle had on his person* J-Jade! Hold on!
          Jade, looking at him tearfully: It won't hold us both.
          Francis, barely restraining his tears: It will. It will, Jade.
          Jade, breaking down: Francis. I’m sorry. Please, take care of them for me. *forces Francis to let her go*
          Francis, screaming louder in anguish: Jade!!!!! JADE!!!!!!!!!!! *sobs uncontrollably*


            Malleus, going over to comfort Vil and Tony: We’ll make sure they didn’t die in vain.
            Tony, just now recovering from the shock: *breaks down*
            Vil, sobbing until he has no tears left to cry: *smiles creepily* Yes, we have to make sure they didn’t die in vain. *expression darkens* Thanos…WILL PAY FOR THIS!!!!!! *poisonous plants pop up around him*
            Malik, jumping: Yikes!!! Vil’s scarier than Uncle Thranduil when mad!!! I see why aunt Mbali said Vil reminds her of him!!!
            Tony: I’m starting to see why Vil’s a student of Night Raven College.


            Draco: ...I don't even know. I guess we're going to have to rip the bandaid. There's no going about it.


@InnaTheArtist Tony, stunned into silence: *says nothing as the ingredients emerge*
            Vil, scrambling down to retrieve their bodies: *tries not to cry but breaks down*
            Malleus, burying his face in Malik’s shoulder: *thunder rumbles in the sky* 
            Malik, tearing up himself: How are we going to tell the others, Draco?
            Malleus, looking up: You know him?
            Malik: My mom was a Slytherin named Brunhild. She and Draco were close, and she fell in love with a human and defied her parents. That human was the brother of Marian’s dad.