
Hello guys, I'm gonna start updating again real soon. It's now summer vacation, and you may think that now, I'll probably have more time to update and stay up late chatting online or soemthing. But, sadly, the truth is quite the opposite. It have its own truth in someways, let me explain. Because of the free time, I have to do more things since I do have the time for it. Simple as that. 
          	For those who are anxiously waiting for the second book of my Ben Drowned story, I am happy to say that I am already started to write the rough draft and will be publishing later. Not soon though, I want to try to write out the whole book or at least a few chapters in advance so I could just log in and publish on a busy day. Or when I couldn't get the ideas flowing and need to publish something before I start losing people's interest. 
          	My Sing for Me book will be updating soon too. 
          	And those who are a fan of my Sleep With One Eye Open, I am sorry that I didn't update much on it. I try to make the plot look a little more complex and the whole point was to make the reader confuse at the beginning til end. It even work on me. I am having trouble delivering the plot and I have the idea of what I want to type, I just can't put it into words or know how to phrase it. 
          	In another news, I will be adding a new book after I am sure I could balance everything out. It may or may not go against the logic that I use on other books, but what are you gonna do.
          	Thank you for reading this long update. Thank you for sticking with me. I cannot be more appreciative. 


Hello guys, I'm gonna start updating again real soon. It's now summer vacation, and you may think that now, I'll probably have more time to update and stay up late chatting online or soemthing. But, sadly, the truth is quite the opposite. It have its own truth in someways, let me explain. Because of the free time, I have to do more things since I do have the time for it. Simple as that. 
          For those who are anxiously waiting for the second book of my Ben Drowned story, I am happy to say that I am already started to write the rough draft and will be publishing later. Not soon though, I want to try to write out the whole book or at least a few chapters in advance so I could just log in and publish on a busy day. Or when I couldn't get the ideas flowing and need to publish something before I start losing people's interest. 
          My Sing for Me book will be updating soon too. 
          And those who are a fan of my Sleep With One Eye Open, I am sorry that I didn't update much on it. I try to make the plot look a little more complex and the whole point was to make the reader confuse at the beginning til end. It even work on me. I am having trouble delivering the plot and I have the idea of what I want to type, I just can't put it into words or know how to phrase it. 
          In another news, I will be adding a new book after I am sure I could balance everything out. It may or may not go against the logic that I use on other books, but what are you gonna do.
          Thank you for reading this long update. Thank you for sticking with me. I cannot be more appreciative. 


Oh! I completely forgot! This is it, I swear
          I'm not sure when I am able to update again 
          I am about to take a REALLY important exam at the end of this week, and I am super paranoid about failing it 
          So I'm going to take some time off, hope you guys don't mind
          I'll be updating a lot more after this week just to make it up to you! 
          Can't promise though 
          Don't really want to be even more of a hypocrite because I once stated that I hate liars!
          oops! I'm rambling again
          my bad
          Sorry guys! 


Hey guys! 
          I bring good news! Some probably gonna think it's a bad news..or at least a semi-bad I guess
          The news is that I am currently working on the sequel for Ben Drowned: You're Invited 
          And I am also thinking of creating another book! 
          Not sure what it's going to just yet 
          The reason why some people might think that it's a semi-bad news is because I am a little stump 
          I'm not sure how the story will progress after the opening 
          Or how to write an intro to the story for that matter! 
          And also! I don't really understand why people follow you and then just.. un-follow you..  I guess
          I remember celebrating for my 150 followers
          and then today, I got a notification saying that I have another follower 
          I went online 
          and then I saw the number of my followers stays the same
          That means someone stop following me 
          But I got another 2 new followers to make me feel better, so now I have 152 followers 
          I'm no trying to say that people should follow me because I'm cool or something like that 
          And I most certainly not trying to force my likes onto people 
          I just don't understand why they do it! 
          Actually...about what I just said...I'm a hypocrite for saying that 
          We all stop following someone at one point
          And just last year I had a 'Un-following' spree 
          So...I guess this is fair 
          And I'm dragging this on for way longer than I wanted to, I'm sorry for that too 
          thank you for even bother to read all the way to the bottom of this status update anyway
          thank you!