Hi thank you :) and of course! The best advice I could give is pre-plan the plot, characters, and setting. I have a notebook where I like to write everything down. The first thing I usually do is decide how my characters will be (personality, jobs, that sort of stuff) after that Ill decide on the stories beginning & end and then work out the rest from there. In my opinion that’s probably the best way to avoid giving up on a story. After that I’ll write a few chapters before publishing to see how the story flows and determine whether I need to make any changes. Reread your work too. You may find that you come up with new ideas. Also dont be scared to scrap a whole paragraph or even a chapter if it doesn’t feel right. Ive had to do that many times before. Its frustrating having to restart a whole chapter however you’ll be much happier with the outcome if you have a better idea (id also suggest saving the old chapter in your notes just in case it still doesn’t feel right). The best way to get better at writing is through practice. So if you have inspiration write :). Hopefully this helps you a bit good luck.