Short Discription to my new book Labeled:
I don't have a voice. Society took it and everything else about me away. they didn't just do it to me though. The did it to anyone who was "alive."
We are no longer individuals. We no longer have our own identities. Our names, non-existent. Our pasts are bleak and who knows what the future has in store for us.
I'm what they call a second generation. So I'm another generation of this chaos.
When a new baby is born, they have a "due date."
It's not the due date you are thinking of.
They "label" the child. It is chosen what it is going to do through out high school, then when graduation day come your label changes to the career you are going to do for the rest of your miserable life.
Not everyone gets that far though.
The artistic people, they are considered worthless. They don't belong in society.
So they get ride of them.
My dad was an accountant while my mother was a travel agent.
Ya they made pretty good money, but they didn't care. They just wanted to be happy.
They got their wish on my date of birth, or so I'm told.
My due date was approaching and i was suppose to be a "geek" through out high school and then after-wards become a teacher. My parents didn't want that. They wanted me to be fun and not stuck up. So right before my due date they swapped my label for "Guitarist."
After the government found out, they killed my parents. They planned on killing me to but they could never find me cause of the swap.
I already know what my future is but i plan to change it.