
So as you all know, I haven't been updating rainbow in a while and that's because of 2 things:
          	1) my school is merciless and decided to torture us with another round of exams
          	2) I'm not satisfied with the story, I wanna rewrite the whole thing except do the beginning. So right after these exams get over, I'll be re-writing the story.
          	So make sure to check the new version out!


@Dragongirl68 Thank Youuu! ♥︎♥︎


Forget everyone else, focus on yourself. Focus on healing, focus on being better, focus on achieving the goals you set, focus on being the person you have always wanted. Find your balance. Find your inner peace. Find what makes you content. The saddest thing is when people focus on others. Stop and think about your own life and what you can do to make it the one you have always wanted. Life is too short. Do good and be good. Be a warrior, be a force of nature, be passionate, be the change, be strong, be you, love you, accept yourself and continue to grow. Put yourself first, because you matter. YOU MATTER. ❤️
          Hi, it’s been a longgg time. How have you been?<3


It hasss I’m great how are you I’ve been so busy with skool :((


✨You are a mosaic full of love, hope, and testimonies. Those mistakes and tragedies from your past turned you into a work of art, and who you are now is the product of your own progress. You’ve worked so hard to keep going, and happy looks good on you darling. You deserve all the beautiful things that life could offer.✨
          How are you doing today, love?❤️


So as you all know, I haven't been updating rainbow in a while and that's because of 2 things:
          1) my school is merciless and decided to torture us with another round of exams
          2) I'm not satisfied with the story, I wanna rewrite the whole thing except do the beginning. So right after these exams get over, I'll be re-writing the story.
          So make sure to check the new version out!


@Dragongirl68 Thank Youuu! ♥︎♥︎


I got tagged! Huzzah! So here we go:
          1) I got tagged by @TheUltimatePocket go check her out, she's cool.
          2) this is the 2nd day..i think
          3) here’s 10 things about me:
          → I'm really stubborn
          → I’m dumb as hell (eg: I had an exam today and I did a stupid mistake, yay)
          → I’m very impatient
          → I’m very..uh... “passionate” (you do NOT insult my fandoms)
          → I have a reading problem and I don’t care
          → I love learning random facts but some people think the facts I learn are indicating my psychotic tendencies..just some.   
          → I’m sure some people might know but here’s to those that don’t: I’m a girl.
          → I get hurt almost everyday
          → I’ve been trying to learn guitar and I’ve been horribly failing :(
          → I’ve found a new hobby which is playing sudoku :/
          4) here are the peeps I’m tagging:
          unfortunately I’m lacking 4 more ppl in my list, so I’m sorry :(
          5) here’s a spoiler for my book ‘unforeseen’
          The mom is the killer.
          6) here’s a joke:
          What do you call a pig that does karate?
          A PORK CHOP 
          ah jeez I can't breathe
          7) no rules, you do you!

          I’m referring to @TheUltimatePocket ‘s tag list or whatever you call em so make sure to check it outt 


Friendssssss :) 


@InoubliableHuman  I am currently watching a series called Merli (idk if it's translated into English) and I'm planning to watch Anne next... Though idk if I wanna cry XD




@helloimapoet I pulled an all-nighter 
            I slept at 7 am


Why were you not?


You say you’re ugly, but you’ve never seen yourself when your favourite song comes on and you smile wide. You’ve never seen yourself laugh while you read, or cry about a sad movie, or sigh softly when you lay down after a long day. You’ve never seen the way your eyes sparkle in the summer, or the way you close your eyes and smile slightly when you drink coffee on a winter evening. You’ve never seen yourself open an incredible gift, or burst into laughter. You say you’re ugly, but you’ve only ever seen yourself through a mirror and a camera lens, poised and reflected. You’ve never seen the pure beauty that radiates from you every day in everything you do.
          Be kinder to yourself, you’re a gorgeous soul.❤️✨
          ~found it somewhere and wanted to share it!:)
          ~Take care, lovely❤️




Aww thank you!  