Atish'all vallem da'len,
I have not written anything in a while. My fanfiction days have seen much better than this but I've been trying my hand at my own fiction rather than Dragon Age fics. It's going well but this afternoon I got a message from a reader or a follower or someone that noticed my affinity for the game. I won't name names as I don't know if they would appreciate being pointed out but our conversation led to the planning of a new fanfiction. Those of you that are reading or have read "Doom Upon All The World" are probably going, "But you haven't finished it!" I'm aware. I intend to finish it but there are a lot of kinks and I'd like some help. Message me with what you want to see happen and I'll let you in on my secret plan. As for this upcoming fic, I hope to have the first part uploaded tomorrow afternoon at the latest. I've decided to title it "Beyond Montilyet". And before anyone gets any ideas about Josephine's fate in this one, keep in mind not everyone knows what happens in my previous fics. This will be a different story, a different ending, new Inquisitor, different characters, and an entirely alternate problem. So we shall see how it turns out. As always, any advice or input that my readers would like to convey is welcome. I'm here for nothing if not to please.
Dareth shiral,
Forever Kneeling,