
I'm going to be finishing up the first five parts of "This isn't a Game" at least, before I start doing the same for "The Unwanted". When I do, I will put that version on private and make it a rough draft that I can look at, since I'm planning on not only editing it, but kind of rewriting it some. 
          	Thank you for your patience, and enjoy the finished parts to "This isn't a Game" while you wait for the best one.
          	I've been thinking of the story "The Unwanted" since I was a kid, and now, I want to be able to wright down my beloved characters that I've been attached to forever with no one to share them with.


I'm going to be finishing up the first five parts of "This isn't a Game" at least, before I start doing the same for "The Unwanted". When I do, I will put that version on private and make it a rough draft that I can look at, since I'm planning on not only editing it, but kind of rewriting it some. 
          Thank you for your patience, and enjoy the finished parts to "This isn't a Game" while you wait for the best one.
          I've been thinking of the story "The Unwanted" since I was a kid, and now, I want to be able to wright down my beloved characters that I've been attached to forever with no one to share them with.


I am going to rewrite "The Unwanted" probably under a new name. I will be leaving the old story up, but I'm putting it as a draft in the title.
          The old story was moving really slowly with no goal, and pretty Mary-sue characters. 
          The rewritten story with have a goal, an antagonist or two, more definitive personality to the characters, character developments, and ADVENTURE!!!
          I am working on the first part now, so I hope all of you enjoy it one I publish it on here. And thank you for reading the message and not skipping over it! ...You know who you are.


@xxyaoiluvr5evrxx No prob! Thanks for the follow back! :D


@InsaneGirlPamela black bulter is 1 of my faverite animes. i <3 Sebby~


@xxyaoiluvr5evrxx Yes! it's amayzing. I have seen Black Buttler and Black Buttler II