this message may be offensive
:D fml fml giving school another chance, assholes another chance ,(bullies) I swear on Brendon uries life if a fking asshole fcks with my good mood I'm done :D in a act insane ,crazy,well psycho, I'm done getting hurt, I'm done crying,I'm tired of anxiety, and stress I'm, behind of homework I missed 4days of school this week due to bullying and I have a few tests to make up yippeeeeeee ahhh and homecoming oh dear kms kms OH! I have new frens at school ;-; they Texted me nice things I cried , ;-; and bruhhh guess what I'm not single ....I'm DATING.....
My Cat Cause he loyal that's sad xDDDDDD but oh well I love it when my cat gives me snuggles❤