
I be posting both updates I missed these past 2 weeks later today as it's my day off! See ye all in Ruxomar and aboard the Freebooter! Arrrrrggh! Ye be warned, there be Wizards and Pirates ruling these chapters and not yet the Syndisparklez ye be wanting.
          	That be chapter 4: Fire and Ice coming out this week, the 22nd! 


@Canadian_Goggles Hopefully. Chapter 3 almost done, but needs edited. It ended up being the lengrh of Marthas backstory. Its sitting at 13k breaking my rule of short chapters. 


@InsaneWeasel !!! Excited for the next chapter(s)!!! I bet they're gonna be awesome :D


I be posting both updates I missed these past 2 weeks later today as it's my day off! See ye all in Ruxomar and aboard the Freebooter! Arrrrrggh! Ye be warned, there be Wizards and Pirates ruling these chapters and not yet the Syndisparklez ye be wanting.
          That be chapter 4: Fire and Ice coming out this week, the 22nd! 


@Canadian_Goggles Hopefully. Chapter 3 almost done, but needs edited. It ended up being the lengrh of Marthas backstory. Its sitting at 13k breaking my rule of short chapters. 


@InsaneWeasel !!! Excited for the next chapter(s)!!! I bet they're gonna be awesome :D


The surgery was smooth, except all the,drugs my sugeon used gave me flu like symptoms and i have level 10 pain in that arm.  (SHITTY PAIN MED RELIEF, NOTHING WORKS)
          I havent slept naught but 3 hours and that was 12 hours ago.. and im still mostly drugged (as you,can see by my brilliant typing and wording)


Ahhh...I have to get surgery on my wrist (the ER under-estimated how much broke). It has a few risks, but basically 5:30 AM Monday, I'm checking in the hospital and I have 24 hours there. Basically, its a sucess if I can move my fingers and if not...we'll cross that if we have to. Then its a cast for 6 weeks-ish and reconditioning my hand. So...yeah...
          (I can draw with my left hand surprisingly well, so thats good >_>)


I'm on hiatus until I find a resolution fir a physical pain.
          I'm sorry, but I can't update for awhile. Severe headaches, and now back, neck and shoulder pains (this has become an evolving problem). Still seeking treatment, but my doctor is on a random vacation again. 
          If it wasn't affecting my school-work and ability to do most of my classes I wouldn't take a hiatus, but it is so I must.
          I'll be back when I'm well.


This message is coming from a new phone! After 3 and some years my trusty brick of an iPhone 4 did not survive Sprite. This so far seems a little harder to type on (Samsung J3 V), but pretty to use. DEFINITELY a lot more shmuck and buttons and functions then Apple, but give me a month--and I'll find all the shortcuts.
          Not as easy to type on, but I'll try. Like my iPhone this will be the place for rough drafts and ideas. 
          Fun Fact: The first 5 chapters of Blood Stained Woods were typed from the dead iphone. I was surprised when it actually got hits and started typing chapters on computer from there on out.


Sorry for the lack of updates, school chaos and busy and work and ya know. Just stuff. 
          I for some work done on a chapter, both for Champion and Poisoned Crown, and I'll get solace in Poisoned Crown when we get the scene after the trial done.
          The trial isn't the climax for once, but what falls after it. The trial is just where tensions continue to build.
          But most of the climax is written, just not the trial or the other tension building father/son scene.
          Champion will hit off the Endurqnce competition and a not so fooled Mot realizing that Dianite is a d!ck


@InsaneWeasel O.O oooooh. Looking forward to both. Hope everything settles into a manageable/good routine for you. Also hope you have fun along the way. :)