Hey, welcome to my profile :) A few things I have to share with you though...

- I make covers so if you are cover making challenged and you need help visit my profile WHENEVER YOU NEED TO and just ask. I'm pretty good at them if I do say so myself :)

- I LOVE when people suggest my books (like any author does, im sure) so if you want a friend to read it don't hesitate to tell them about it.

- If you like my books, ADD THEM TO YOUR LIBRARY... please :) The more my stories get around the more popular they can become. (obvi)

That's pretty much it for that.

  • Reading a book. Don't interrupt.
  • IscrittoMarch 8, 2012

Storia di It's a secret :)
I'll Keep You My Dirty Little Secret di InsertUsernameHeree
I'll Keep You My Dirty Little Secr...
Wren Alexander is just a regular girl. She has a secluded group of best friends, has a hunky love interest, a...
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