Is it sad that at this point in quarantine I have just given up on making excuses for not doing my school work, imma be so dumb when I get back to school but I just can't bring myself to actually do something about it ♀️
How are you?
Properly hydrated?
Slept well?
How's your day been so far?
Do you need to talk?
Comparing your problems with others'?
You are worth everything good in this life
I know you may think this is just something I'm throwing around because it has been said to me- I'm not.
I care
And I want your honest response
This isn't just an "are you okay" where you reply you're "fine" and I just go with it. I care. I want to know how you are.
Is it sad that at this point in quarantine I have just given up on making excuses for not doing my school work, imma be so dumb when I get back to school but I just can't bring myself to actually do something about it ♀️