Louise William Tomlinson-The boy who helped me smile even in the darkest of times, the boy who helped me beleive never to give up!
One Direction may not be flawless but you know what? I love them for that!
One Direction, JLS ,Chris Colfer, Demi Lovato and Justin Bieber are amazing!

"There's nothing wrong with you, there's a lot wrong with the world you live in" - Chris Colfer

"Aim for the moon, that way even if you miss you'll be among the stars" - Oritse Williams (JLS) <3

"Live life for the moment because everything else is uncertain" - Louis

On the outside she might be happy but on the inside she is hurting more than you think <3

I would just like to put out there if anyone needs someone to talk to I am here just send me a message....I might not be able to help but I promise you I will listen....and defiantly not judge you no matter what <3

...C...ARE A

❒ Single ❒Taken ✔Mentally married to One Direction

♫ I AM Loadιng one direction:
error: тoo мυcн ѕeхιneѕѕ тo load.♥

Louise :) xx
  • ♡somewhere♡
  • Дата регистрацииJune 25, 2012

Последнее сообщение
InspiredByLouisT InspiredByLouisT Jan 31, 2013 07:06PM
@XxSexGodStylesxX It's okay :) thank you as well xxxx
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