Chaos Warp has currently a double upload Glitch of Chapter 2, so it might be that either this chapter or the entire story will be reuploaded after pulling it back.
Chaos Warp has currently a double upload Glitch of Chapter 2, so it might be that either this chapter or the entire story will be reuploaded after pulling it back.
2 Days until the new WORLDS main theme drops!
Which team are you supporting this year?
The one I support is FNATIC (FNC), the best European team of LoL (League of Legends)! #AlwaysFNATIC
Honest opinion:
Lollia's cover of "Ghost Rule" is definitely one of the best ones out there, second one is Raon Lee, third is Rachie and fourth (from the ones I heard) is JubyPhonic.
Sorry Juby, but the other ones fit the song more then you.
Still love ya tho!
BTW, if anyone if you has Discord and wants in a server with yours truly still working on it, shoot me a pm via either here or friend me on there with the User in my description and tell me who you are on here, since that's going to be mutals/friends only.