Yop lilies!!
*heavy sign*
Well, I am pre-boards are coming soon, so I guess you might have understood what I mean ☻
Yes I am going on a veryyyy long hiatus, maybe come back in April or May, as my boards are ending in March’s last week.
So, I came here to wish you all a temporary goodbye, my life is empty without Wattpas, but it is peaceful too, today I managed to escape some time from freaking maths and check my Wattpad.
Thought to say something to lilies, can’t leave you all hanging, can I? So author hazel and me are going to hiatus together as our main motives of life are bridging over us.
So, goodbye and miss me more.
Your well wishes are invited on my Mb.
And in my books too.
After I come back, I will surely shower you all with new books and chapter.
So stay safe and healthy and good luck if someone is like me, trapped in exams.
With regards
Author Lily♡♡