I am a girl, am an awesome werewolf and bacon is Amazing. So is Jesus because if you say Jesus backwards it sounds like sausage, sausage is a breakfast food and a meat with pork in it, pork is made from pigs, the most popular American breakfast is bacon, therefore bacon is awesome just like Jesus. * mind blown* 
  • EntrouDecember 3, 2014


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Interescapeable Interescapeable Dec 03, 2014 05:00PM
Werewolf says Rawer!!!!!
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Poem thing?, de Interescapeable
Poem thing?
A thing that has words.
+mais 2
Trapped, de Interescapeable
Don't be someone you aren't even if you think you can't, you can always escape.
Something, de Interescapeable
Nothing, but a poem.