
Hi guys!
          	Its been awhile now due to many life problems hehehe but I am announcing some small news regards for the Volume II.
          	The Volume II is starting now and a title change is in place (You'll see the new title) also The aftermath side story novel will be cancelled due to plot is not necessary needed and to it explore but it will stay remain in the closer (for now).
          	That will be the news for now and see you in the top side when the new novel ends in the making.
          	Thank you for the support 


Hi guys!
          Its been awhile now due to many life problems hehehe but I am announcing some small news regards for the Volume II.
          The Volume II is starting now and a title change is in place (You'll see the new title) also The aftermath side story novel will be cancelled due to plot is not necessary needed and to it explore but it will stay remain in the closer (for now).
          That will be the news for now and see you in the top side when the new novel ends in the making.
          Thank you for the support 


Hello again guys! A little small update for you about the Novel and it's future sequels.
          Yes! You read it right. Not only the Upcoming Volume 2 next year, there will be a Volume 3 too which is in discussion tables.
          First of all, I said it before Volume 2 will be start production in Early January 2022. As the production starts its first week, the next week on that will be published the first 5 Chapters of the Sequel Novel. Oh and we title it "Joy of Creation: High School 1st Year" and so on until 4th Year and per year indicate its Volume Novel Story.
          Second, the title of the Volume 1 is now changed because I make it more interpretation of the Story as you can see its now completed but the cover will be added soon for the Cover Page of the Non-Fiction Novel. There is also a last minute chapter title change in the Chapter 19 if you are wondering so that it will fit to the timeline and I think the story back ground when the time my Order Group have a band in music our time in Grade 6 but I think it kinda silly to put it in the part so I change into the day we have a class pictorial.
          Lastly, Volume 3 is on the round table and so far I was contacting my friends in that Era where I need their permission to use their names in the Novel. As far is it goes there 4 of them are now agreed and the other s are still contacting but 2 of them is hard to contact since there are not active in the Social Media but I can still manage to have a plan on how will I contact them.
          The Volume 3 will mark its date in production will be Mid Summer March to April or April to May.
          Thank You all for supporting and pursue this passion side of mine and stay safe ✨


Hey guys! I'll be giving you some updates
          As you see the Joy of Creation Novel will be ending soon to only 3 Chapters left in the table.
          First of all, I am already written the CH18 of the novel and soon CH19. Second, the last Chapter will be having a delay on publishing since my school work is in session for upcoming projects to do but I'll published it as soon as possible when its done .
          Now for the big updates, the Joy of Creation will have a sequel novel book where it will continue to the Upcoming Aftermath short novel of Volume 1 and its consist of 60 Chapters, 4 sagas and each saga is in 15 Chapters (In the early development, its consist of 40 Chapters total in Volume 2 but it lacks the story elements that will connected to each part like on Volume 1 problem where it has a time jump). The Volume 2 book will be start production next year early January 2022.
          In the mean time after Volume 1 is done, I will leak the "Joy of Creation: The Order Aftermath" novel its 5 Chapters Title to each "Order of the Game Geeks" aftermath and whereabouts. The Chapter Title will be show down below:
          Chapter 1: Technological Decision
          Chapter 2: Perceptual Vision
          Chapter 3: Mega in Private
          Chapter 4: Thunder Breaks through Potential
          Chapter 5: 17's Upgrade
          For now, this will the update for the future of the Non-fiction Novel I created and your support is a indeed a great pleasure ✨.
          Thank You ✨