Hey guys! I'll be giving you some updates
As you see the Joy of Creation Novel will be ending soon to only 3 Chapters left in the table.
First of all, I am already written the CH18 of the novel and soon CH19. Second, the last Chapter will be having a delay on publishing since my school work is in session for upcoming projects to do but I'll published it as soon as possible when its done .
Now for the big updates, the Joy of Creation will have a sequel novel book where it will continue to the Upcoming Aftermath short novel of Volume 1 and its consist of 60 Chapters, 4 sagas and each saga is in 15 Chapters (In the early development, its consist of 40 Chapters total in Volume 2 but it lacks the story elements that will connected to each part like on Volume 1 problem where it has a time jump). The Volume 2 book will be start production next year early January 2022.
In the mean time after Volume 1 is done, I will leak the "Joy of Creation: The Order Aftermath" novel its 5 Chapters Title to each "Order of the Game Geeks" aftermath and whereabouts. The Chapter Title will be show down below:
Chapter 1: Technological Decision
Chapter 2: Perceptual Vision
Chapter 3: Mega in Private
Chapter 4: Thunder Breaks through Potential
Chapter 5: 17's Upgrade
For now, this will the update for the future of the Non-fiction Novel I created and your support is a indeed a great pleasure ✨.
Thank You ✨