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@Into_The_Saberverse You should ne proud. I've only just finished part 1 but it was good. Way better than anything "professionals" do these days.
Peter was on point, a bit MCU feeling but hey, he ain't Peter Dorker for no reason, a nerd with a hero complex the size of the moon? Perfection.
Saber is as awesome as always, a soldier essentially just discovering her discarded emotions again, falling in love, finally being selfish for once? Chef's Kiss.
Rin, I don't think I've seen a truer depiction, other than abridged, yet, the team offer was a bit sudden true, but honestly? Definitely something she'd do.
Rouge, I'm gonna be frank with you I'd never even heard of her backstory but personally you executed it to nigh perfection. From her and Heracles' introduction to Kirei's involvement... Stop making me blush so bloody much dangit, this is some high quality shit!
Johnny is bloody Johnny, and I'll admit I don't remember much of MJ because Paul is... So much of a dissapointment. Seriously, Marvel? Could have been a bit more subtle.
But anyway, they were good, as I said Johnny is Johnny you can't really go wrong there unless you're Marvel, and MJ feels so much like Spectacular it hurts. Given what I remember of it anyway. I should rewatch that.
Whatever, point is, you do good work. Be proud, we'll follow you the whole way.
I mean you introduced me Toaru for God's sake and I'm still riding that train! You think I'm just gonna forget that?