
Saw a review on Space Battles about my fic when the first chapters dropped. Gotta say "Walking a Thin Line" does not inspire confidence in me as a writer "And hasn't done anything god awful yet but we'll see" does not either, but learn and move on I suppose XD.


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@Into_The_Saberverse You should ne proud. I've only just finished part 1 but it was good. Way better than anything "professionals" do these days.
          	  Peter was on point, a bit MCU feeling but hey, he ain't Peter Dorker for no reason, a nerd with a hero complex the size of the moon? Perfection.
          	  Saber is as awesome as always, a soldier essentially just discovering her discarded emotions again, falling in love, finally being selfish for once? Chef's Kiss.
          	  Rin, I don't think I've seen a truer depiction, other than abridged, yet, the team offer was a bit sudden true, but honestly? Definitely something she'd do.
          	  Rouge, I'm gonna be frank with you I'd never even heard of her backstory but personally you executed it to nigh perfection. From her and Heracles' introduction to Kirei's involvement... Stop making me blush so bloody much dangit, this is some high quality shit!
          	  Johnny is bloody Johnny, and I'll admit I don't remember much of MJ because Paul is... So much of a dissapointment. Seriously, Marvel? Could have been a bit more subtle.
          	  But anyway, they were good, as I said Johnny is Johnny you can't really go wrong there unless you're Marvel, and MJ feels so much like Spectacular it hurts. Given what I remember of it anyway. I should rewatch that.
          	  Whatever, point is, you do good work. Be proud, we'll follow you the whole way.
          	  I mean you introduced me Toaru for God's sake and I'm still riding that train! You think I'm just gonna forget that?


@Into_The_Saberverse their review doesn’t seem so bad. Although I’ll admit that those certain choice of words definitely wouldn’t inspire confidence. Also they seemed to mostly be talking about the first chapter.
          	  But another reviewer from later seemed to understand that you were foreshadowing events for later when name dropping certain characters. Helps that they finished the first part before making a review.
          	  Also get the slight impression that they’re not 100% in depth in Marvel lore as they are with Fate. One questioned why Spider-Man would have Bullet Time and another believed this to be Film centered.
          	  Another believed Doom wouldn’t bother having anything to do with the Holy Grail. Even though stealing Magic Powers and Artifacts of Power is basically Doom’s MO.


@Into_The_Saberverse I guess we rushed our judgement too quickly. However, when you said their feedback doesn’t inspired confidence for you as a writer, I thought that they didn’t give you a constructive criticism before you informed us with more information. So, I’m sorry for making a quick judgement, but I’m glad that you’re doing well.


*Deadpool, Jeanne, and Jalter are in Deadpool's apartment living room.*
          Jeanne: "Hey, Wade. I heard there is a hero named Ghost Rider who hunt down criminals to bring vengeance for the innocents. Do you think we can meet him one day?" 
          Deadpool: "Nah. He's probably in a youtube video that is a total bias in why he loses to one another guy who has a similar gimmick to his character." 
          *Jalter, look out the window.*
          Jalter: "Actually, he's outside fighting that Spawn guy."
          *Jalter pointed towards Ghost Rider and Spawn fighting on a side of a church building.*
          Deadpool: "Isn't that what I just said?" 
          Jeanne: "Should we be worried about that?"
          Deadpool: "Not at least you're a power scaler on youtube. So much in ending this debate once and for all, Wiz and Boomstick."


Mordred worthy of mjolnir. She picks up the hammer after thor puts it down.
          Mordred: "Hey, viking guy, you really shouldn't just leave your weapon laying around. Even I know that."
          Everyone there just stares at Mordred in utter dumbfounded shock.
          Thor: "by odin's beard... her too?"
          Tony: "You have got to be kidding..."
          Peter: "Her of all people..."
          Arturia: "Mordred... you're..."
          Mordred: "Why are you all staring at me like that?"
          Miles: "Mordy... you just picked up Thor's hammer...don't you know what that means? is that thing heavy at all?"
          Mordred: "I mean it's pretty well balanced, but it's not really to heavy. What's the big deal about me picking this stupid hammer?"
          Suddenly, a huge bolt of lightning strikes down onto Mordred, changing her into a red version of Arturia's asgardian form from she weilds mjolnir.
           Mordred: "Oh, I like this!!"


@ JulianSummers777  I hope in a future we see One scene like that 


Mordred prank phone calling JJJ.
          JJJ: "Hello? Who is this?! This better be important."
          Mordred: "HI, mister Jamieson, I'm looking for someone who works at the daily bugle. Last name huggingkis, first name Amanda. I wouldn't have called if it wasn't important."
          JJJ: "Fine, I'll check."
          He gets out of his office and starts yelling at the rest of floor.
          all of the workers on the floor give JJJ an odd look, wondering if he knew what was saying.
          All of the workers then begin to chuckle at he's saying.
          JJJ: "what? Why are you laughing? I don't pay you to laugh!!"
          Robbie: "Sorry, Jonah. Who is it that you're looking for?"
          JJJ: "I'm looking for amanda huggingkiss, Rubbie!!"
          Rubbie then falls to his knees, holding his stomach as he holds back his laughter.
          JJJ: "God damn it, I can't I find Amanda huggingkiss?!!"
          Peter: "BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
          Then rest of workers fallow Peter and burst into fits of laughter as while. Meanwhile, JJJ is finally putting the pieces together.
          JJJ: "what a minute... Amanda... huggingkiss... a man... to... hug and... KISS?!!!"
          Mordred: "HA!! GOTCHA!!! you just got pranked, sucker!!!"
          JJJ: "YOU LITTLE... this better not be who I think it is!!"
          Mordred: "Depends... do you think it's Joe?"
          JJJ: "Joe? Joe who?"
          Rubbie: "No, Jonah don't!"
          Mordred: "To late, he already said the thing."
          She takes a deep breath before shouting. 
          Mordred: "JOE MAMA!!!"


@ JulianSummers777  XDXD LOOOL

          If Mordecai and Rigby and Spider-Man and Saber Artoria switch villains:
          *Gilgamesh is destroying a park and making a big space in the middle.*
          Gilgamesh: "I'll take my Saber from that Spider-Man and make her my queen. This park will be the ground for our wedding."
          Benson: "Mordecai and Rigby! Get rid of Gilgamesh and clean up this mess or your fire!"
          *Mordecai and Rigby call up the Baby ducks and form a big size robot in front of Gilgamesh.*
          Gilgamesh: "Wait, what!?"
          *Meanwhile with Spider-Man and Saber.*
          Spider-Man: "That it! We're going to Reed for help!"
          *Saber is still trying to kill Summertime loving for the one hundred times.*
          Saber: "Stop singing that song!!"


@Ghostwolf2022 sometime later, Johnny smashes his guitar into the ground.
            Johnny: "I QUIET THE BAND!!!"
            even later, later.
            Peter: "Johnny you're back!!"
            Johnny: "shut your face!! I came back for the music."


            Reed: “Yeah I’ve seen this before.  We need to make an even catchier song to destroy this thing.”
            Johnny: “Superhero rock band!!!!”


@ Zer0-Origin  based


JJJ on trial:
          Matt Murdock: “And why do you think Jameson seems to hate you so much.”
          Spider-Man: “Well it took me a while to figure it out but personally I think it’s because I’m black.”
          Saber facepalms.
          JJJ: “I-I didn’t know I have plenty of black friends honest!”
          Spider-Man: “I’m kidding!”
          The court erupts in laughter before the judge silences them.
          Spider-Man: “In all seriousness I’m pretty sure it’s because he’s jealous of me making an actual difference while all Jameson can do is push papers.  And I’m not the only one who have had JJJ on their case ask Red Saber.”
          Jameson: “She’s a vandal and a criminal!”
          Spider-Man: “She saved orphans from a burning building and was taking part in a street art competition to help raise money to rebuild the orphanage.”


            Saber: “I believe what you are describing is called pimping.”


            Jameson: "Why isn't she here then to say all of this herself!?"
            Saber: "She and Brooklyn Spider-Man(Miles) are staying from away from a certain mouse."
            Mickey Mouse: "You order the people who work under you to make money one time and suddenly you're the villain?"


Some years later, human torch talks with professor hulk.
          Johnny: "You and Tamamo are doing pretty well, annoyingly so."
          Hulk: "Yeah... I'm a lucky guy."
          Johnny: "Yeah, you are. Question for you though, how exactly do you guys... you know..."
          Hulk: "That's none of your business!!"
          Johnny: "I'm just concerned... wouldn't want wake up one day to fine that she ended up like Vitch and see that she's been smashed to death."
          Then Johnny goes fire mode flys out of there like a rocket, with professor hulk chasing after him.


@ JulianSummers777  pfff hahahaha, very goood headcanon 


Bruce and Hulk work things out:
          Tamamo and Bruce now clad in the Hulkbuster armor struggle to survive against an onslaught of sacred treasures being thrown by Gilgamesh.
          Gilgamesh: “Hope you don’t think you can outlast me, in the words of your precious mongrel Captain, I can do this all day!”
          Tamamo puts up a barrier to protect Bruce but she’s clearly struggling.
          Tamamo: “Bruce run I’ll hold him off!  Just go!”
          Bruce: “Come on big guy I need you, she needs you!”
          Hulk: “No!”
          Bruce: “Listen I know we’ve had our differences but if you’re gonna appear now would be a good time!”
          Hulk: “No, Banner only want Hulk for fighting!”
          Bruce: “So what!?  You like to fight!”
          The barrier held up by Tamamo starts to crack as Bruce and Hulk have their internal debate.
          Hulk: “Banner hate Hulk!”
          Bruce: “I don’t hate you!  You’re more of an Avenger than I am!”
          Hulk: “No you don’t!  Hulk just wanna live!”
          Bruce: “I wanna live too I wanna live with her!”
          Hulk: “Me too!”
          Bruce: “So let’s live!  Live and let live!”
          Hulk: “Live and Let live!”
          Bruce and Hulk: “Yes!”
          Bruce: “Alright I’ve got an idea!”
          The barrier Tamamo put up then shatters but before she’s skewered the Hulk comes to her rescue deflecting the treasures shot at her by Gilgamesh.
          Gilgamesh: “The brute is back?!”
          Tamamo: “Hulky!?”
          Hulk: “Not quite, hey Tam.”
          Tamamo: “Brucie, but how?”
          Professor Hulk: “We worked it out.”


@Ghostwolf2022 what Gilgamesh would actually say.
            Gilgamesh: "Vile rodent, how dare you try to order me around?!"


            Mickey Mouse: "Stop goofing around and make me money!"
            Gilgamesh, Tamamo and Bruce: "Yes, sir! Sorry, sir!"