Thanks for the review on The Whipping Tree. I haven't checked all the corresponding points, but your first note on the "he had ran" I'd like to discuss. I'm not sure if there's another rule I'm unaware of, but "had ran" is the past of the past, and what the passage requires is simply the past. I was unsure whether to use "ran" or "had RUN" but I'm almost certain it wouldn't be "had ran" as the story is told in present tense and I can hardly think of an instance where I would need the past of the past.
The second point I'd like to bring up is your point on how one of my "problems" is stating things. I don't know how far you've read, but I can safely say right now that the "showing" not "telling" way of writing is not what I'm employing with this story. Creative writing is about breaking the rules, and that's exactly what I plan on doing wth The Whipping Tree :P I've gotten tired of the constant need and encouragement to use description and imagery and other literary devices to show not tell, and I'm trying to develop a very distinct voice in this story--some may love it, and some may find the flat-out telling irksome and choose not to continue reading, and it's something I'm perfectly fine with.
That's all I wanted to bring up. I haven't looked closely at your other notes yet, but I will store them away for when I start editing. I know Wattpad isn't like Inkpop in the sense that the majority of users leave comments instead of reviews, but for the time being I think I'll keep everything as is until more people remark on something I need to change.
Thank you again for your review! I haven't gotten the pleasure of discussing the mechanics of my writing in a long time, haha.