
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!! I have been getting so much love on His Slut of The Week the past couple days and it makes me so happy. 
          	I hope you all have a great 2021!!! 


I just added a small part of HSOTW. Please... take a minute or so to read it and then DM me, comment on the chapter, reach out to me in some way. I would love to hear what you all have to say, even if it has nothing to do with the writing. 
          I promise to respond to everyone who takes the time to respond 


Hello beautiful readers! I apologize that it took so long, however the second edited chapter is posted. I will say that the ending of the second chapter has a much different ending.
           It would mean a lot if you went over there are read it, liked it, and left a comment letting me know how you like the updated story so far. Also, everyone who goes and likes the second chapter of 'His Slut Of The Week', I will be following and sending a private message to! 
          Have a wonderful night! I'll be posting the third chapter soon!


Hello everyone! I am still working on updating HSOTW, but I am taking my time this time because I want it to be better this time. I want to prove not only to my readers that I have improved, but also myself. But, I wanted to ask you guys: Is there anything in the story that you want to see more of? Do we want more Riley and Drake moments? Riley and Steven? Riley and Jace? More happy moments? Sad moments? 
          Also, do you have any ideas for a new title? I feel like the current title had potential, but as I wrote and decided to base it off of myself, I realize that it does not fit. I am open to all ideas! 
          Please leave comments and vote for your favorite parts so that I know what you guys like. Also, I love when I get messages from you guys. It honestly makes my day. 
          Thank you! You guys are awesome! The second edited chapter will be up either tonight (hopefully) or early tomorrow morning.


Hello beautiful readers! I have officially decided to rewrite “His Slut Of The Week”! I’m going to fix grammar, add detail, add new parts and make the story line clearer. I have never been happy with how it came out and now is the time to fix it now that I have more experience in writing. I may even change the name of the story so if I do, DO NOT BE ALARMED! I love you all and I hope you are willing to go along with me on this journey. 
          Love, K


@InvisbleShadows one question did u delete parts that were about visiting Lucas and his girlfriend??


Did you Drake ever end up missing you 


No, he didn’t. We both went our separate ways. However, we both know what is going on in each other’s life because we still go to the same school and on occasion we talk to each other. He is very happy in a relationship with a very nice girl and I can honestly say, I am very happy for him. 