
New short story up! Ignore the awful cover, I made it.


""R.e.p.o.s.t. i.f. y.o.u. a.r.e. h.e.r.e. f.o.r. y.o.u.r. f.o.l.l.o.w.e.r.s. n.o. m.a.t.t.e.r. w.h.a.t. t.i.m.e. i.t. i.s., i.f. i.t. m.e.a.n.s. y.o.u. c.o.u.l.d. p.o.t.e.n.t.i.a.l.l.y. s.a.v.e. a. l.i.f.e. A.n.d. a.d.d. a. h.e.a.r.t. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ <3""


was so surprised when I found out you had a wattpad account!!!


been on here since 2011 when a friend showed me the website :)


I was surprised too! But, for you.


I'm in the process of writing Chp. 5 of Aquamarine, but I have a dilemma. I don't know how it's doing! I'm getting some comments, but not very many votes!!! I want to know what's on your minds!!! Do you love it, hate it??? Send me a note, post on my msg board, comment, vote.... I just want to know that you care.


Hey! I've been working on my book Aquamarine, but its coming along very slowly. Anyway, I have been hoping to get rid of my writers block by picking a cast! I have many actresses who fit my ideas for Leah, Maya, and Era, but I can't find anyone for Nere! I'm tring to find a raven-haired, blue-eyed actress that could come across as beautiful AND strong, but I haven't found anybody yet! Ugh! If you have any ideas, pleas send them to me.