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I was talking with a friend last night and
am I the only one that finds it weird when none Asian people use Asian names like
And it kinda has to do with the name not fitting them at all and also like it's not there culture
It's like icky to me
Like you can like someone culture and do things that they do in the culture and be respectful
But don't start using the names and shit like you can respect the culture but no need to use the names and shit it's like weird
( @Invs0mnixa ) Ohhhh, gotcha. In that case then yes, I think it is really weird and people shouldn't do that. People and their freakaleekness * cue disappointed head shaking.*
@devilish-mvnd what I'm talking about are these people who only pick the Asian name cuz they watch anime or listen to kpop
Not if their parents picked it or what not
@Invs0mnixa don’t they do that so their kids can fit into american society more? /genq
and hi, im that friend. we were talking about ppl who change their names to that. ( example, my ex went from natalie / nat to haruka and she was white )