
I haven't visited wattpad for quite some time :) I apologise for having left so many stories unfinished, life happens and I was having fun at YouTube. I hope you are doing fine, working on your stories :)


@IoannaKoliofoti I have one question about your book that I believe is unsuitable for public posting. Would you mind emailing me so I can ask it? 
          	  Many thanks
          	  P.S.: Please note that I don't use messenger


I haven't visited wattpad for quite some time :) I apologise for having left so many stories unfinished, life happens and I was having fun at YouTube. I hope you are doing fine, working on your stories :)


@IoannaKoliofoti I have one question about your book that I believe is unsuitable for public posting. Would you mind emailing me so I can ask it? 
            Many thanks
            P.S.: Please note that I don't use messenger


"A Prince of Crows"
          Wellcome to a vampire story where six powerful vampires have to meet one another yet only one can rule.
          Let me introduce you to the fabulous authors 
          @rosaimee aka Aimeé Irizarry Díaz is coming from Puerto Rico is bringing Calista to the meetinII
          @IoannaKoliofoti aka me, I am coming from Greece and I am bringing Nobody, Son of None to the meeting
          @BeatriceLebrun aka Bea Lebrun is bringing Silbón to the vampire meeting
          @LynnS13 aka Lynn Santiago is coming from Florida and she is bringing Leenduh, the Midnight Rain to the meeting
          @Nyhterides aka Christine Bottas come s from Canada and brings Cara/Beloved.
          and last but not least @silvana_md aka Silvana G. Sánchez is     coming from Mexico and she is brining Byron to the meeting.
          The fabulous cover was created by @silvana_md and you can ask her for a cover for your own story at
          There will be 2 versions of this story.  At the other version that you will find out at wattpad at the pages of the authors you will find the additions made by @KarlOConnor, I am going with the first draft version here.
          Will you join us to our murderous dance?


Ooops! I did it again! 
          I told that I would be back and I missed quite some updates that I had promised, despite having dozens of pages saved as drafts. I come back here from time to time, mostly to read stories but for the time being I am failing to upload some new material here.
          Let me tell you a story here, so that anyone who comes here for an update or by accident... may take a deep breath and go on creating his art.
          I have been wandering in the internet for more than 2 decades now. I have written hundreds of stories most of them under pen names. I was lucky enough to see some of my stories stand out throughout the years... I even worked as content creator on the internet for a couple of years... and I kept exploring every form of storytelling.
          Out of the blue the most succesful form of my storytelling turned out to be my video edits on YouTube. 
          Someone whose work I have admired for years, found me on his own, liked it and decided to study it on his own limmited free time. So we started talking about art, life and death and whatever transcends human experience... One day out of a sudden he asked me to create something for him. I didn't see that coming since I would be perfectyly happy with enjoying his insight and wisdom in art. Since life can be a real bitch... I was oblidged to tell that I am trully honored by his offer, yet I had a contract for a summer job that wouldn't allow me to do anything else... while my inner drama queen had a meltdown for this opportunity which was about to wave "goodbye"... and then the unexpected happened.... he answered... "I am gonna wait for you, because I have in faith in you that you can do this..."


I have worked here with the most fabulous and ridicoulsly talented people from all over the world and that's my favorite wattpad experience. Taking into concideration that I come from a small country where such opportunities are rare... try to guess how many heartbeats I skipped when I was told that a team of artists was willing to wait for me to fullfil my mundane contract and they were willing to take a leap of faith on my skills....
            So I have been doing research to upgrade my game in storytelling, to transcend cultural differences and improve my world building...  There are days when I feel the terror of total embarrassment and failure when my drafts fail... there are days when an idea out of nowhere creates a new creative path... so I am still into this creative process for a specific and pretty hard subject which I have to make it float effortlessly like dancing... The struggle is real...
            ... and that's why I don't show up much here recently... I am working on something different... still on storytelling but a different form and I am focused on that to get the best out of it...
            If such thing happened to me.... it can happen to anyone... Be fearless, be creative, be your glorious best verions of yourselves and miracles do happen :)


Hallo from the other siiiide!!! I have been away because of my day job. I am still working on catching up with all that I missed while I was away. I have no idea still what I will upload here next. I have a few projects stored at my hard drive and a few chapters more than what I have shared so far...
          I guess once I make up my mind you will find out more content here. Thanks for showing up despite me having disappeared for that long.
          Keep writing, reading and discussing about storytelling 


Ooops! I show up and dissapear all the time since I am working on various subjects from time to time and I have to let some things fall back while I focus on other projects. (As you probably have figured out, I am not a proffesional author so life happens, projects happen, ideas show up and you have to catch up with them before they run away :) ) So that's why I 've left the stories unfinished. The tricky thing is that despite me uploading them while I am writing them, in most cases I post a few chapters before the point I am actually writing at that very moment. So I now I am back I will post the ones I have "sleeping" on a .doc file. Thanks for coming back, despite me showing up and dissapearing all the time :) // Και να 'μαι πίσω. Αν όλα πάνε καλά σύντομα, θα σας έχω νέα για μία εξαιρετική συλλογή που θα δημοσιευτεί εδώ, που γράφουμε με μία ομάδα συγγραφέων εδώ και είναι το wattpad στα καλύτερά του κάθε φορά που μαζευόμαστε να γράψουμε μαζί ακόμα μία ιστορία. Κάπου είχα αφήσει τον Sergei στην μέση. Στα κιτάπια μου την ιστορία την έχω πάρακάτω και θα αρχίσω να την δημοσιεύω και πάλι σιγά-σιγά. Μόνταρα μία σειρά video μπαλέτου με κουλές μουσικές και έτσι είχα αφήσει το γράψιμο αυτής της ιστορίας στην μέση αλλά θα επανορθώσω :) Σας ευχαριστώ που περνάτε από εδώ, ας εμφανίζομαι και εξαφανίζομαι όλη την ώρα. Φιλιά :)


Καλημέρα μια βοήθεια παρακαλώ, είμαι νέος στην εφαρμογή και πριν ξεκινήσω να ανεβάσω τα ποιήματα μου θέλω να μου πεις που μπορώ να γράψω για μένα και ότι άλλο θέλω πληροφορίες, ευχαριστώ πολύ. 


@user59035653 παρακαλώ :) χαίρομαι που σου αρέσει ό,τι βρήκες εδώ πέρα.  its_Alex_cool: στην πραγματικότητα είναι όσο πιο σύντομη μπορούσα να την κάνω. Είναι απλά η εισαγωγή, ό,τι απορίες έχετε σχετικά μπορείτε να ρωτάτε εδώ ή να ψάχνετε τους embassadors που είναι επίσημα μέλη του wattpad σε όλες τις κοινότητες για να βοηθούν τους χρήστες και να λύνουν απορίες :)


@ user59035653 σε ευχαριστώ πολύ για όλα, ειλικρινά γραφης πολύ ωραία 


@user59035653 Καλημέρα και καλώς όρισες :) Ευχαριστώ πολύ για τα καλά σου λόγια στα σχόλια. Για να ανεβάσεις ό,τι πληροφορίες θες για σένα, από την αρχική σελίδα στο προφίλ σου, θα επιλέξεις το σημείο που λέει "edit profile". Στο κατώτερο σημείο έχει χώρο για να γράψεις ό,τι επιθυμείς. Είναι ό,τι εμφανίζεται στην αριστερή στήλη μπαίνοντας στο προφίλ κάποιου.  Αν θες ένα εύκολο πρόγραμμα για να φτιάχνεις εξώφυλλα είναι η σελίδα pixlr & canva. Ξεκίνα με όποιο από τα δύο σου αρέσει και στην πορεία, θα ανακαλύψεις και άλλα. (έχω πολύ απλά εξώφυλλα όπως ανακάλυψες και δεν μπορώ να σε βοηθήσω σε πιο εξειδικευμένο σχεδιασμό). Όταν ανεβάσεις κάποια συλλογή, βάλε όσες περισσότερες λέξεις-κλειδια, σχετικές με τα ποιήματά σου, ώστε μέσω της αναζήτησης να σε βρίσκουν νέοι αναγνώστες. Από καιρό σε καιρό, γίνονται διάφοροι διαγωνισμοί στην ελληνική κοινότητα, όπου μπορείς να συμμετέχεις είτε με ποιήματα που έχεις ήδη γράψει ή με άλλα που θα γράψεις σύμφωνα με την θεματική του διαγωνισμού. Είναι ένας ακόμα τρόπος να γνωριζόμαστε μεταξύ μας και να ανακαλύπτουμε ο ένας τον άλλον :) Καλώς όρισες :)