
ARRRGHHHH POSTING SPREE!!! For all you mlp fans, enjoy.


Heyo, I got some news. I know this isn't exactly a blog, but I figured you should at least get an explanation about my absence. 
          I've been having some pretty bad problems with my parents, and right now, they are working on kicking me out for good. The good news is I have a few friends who are more than happy to give me a home. The bad news, we moved to some rinky dink omish town two thousand miles away. 
          Needless to say, my life has been really hectic lately, that's why I haven't written in a while. That and my mother refused to return my phone. She also destroyed all my pokemon cards. Welp, just an update. As always, caio. 


Bad news! I've gone on a MLP writing spree, and won't be writing anything else for a while. I would apologize, but I'm really excited about some of the ideas I've been cranking out. For the fans of Love Comes In Pink Tan And Blue, don't worry, I will finish the story, eventually. I will make up for it though, post some of your ideas as to where the story should go, and which of the Planet Dolan crew you want me to introduce next. I WILL make every effort to work from there. As always, caio!


All right, here's the thing. I'm what one would call a shotgun writer. I rarely ever finish what I write. Mostly, I get a great idea, begin writing, then run out of steam and stop. So... I probably won't finish most of my works unless I get some requests to. I guess, I just put my ideas out there, and see where I go. Also, I do zero planning. I write as I go. I'm funny that way.


Hey guys, I really need to apologize for being off the grid for so freaking long. Having parents that hate technology sucks. Anyway, I'm sorry to say that I'm putting pink tan and blue on hiatus for now. I've recently gotten insperation for another fic, that I've lost sleep over feverishly writing it. Unfortunately, it will only appeal to the Undertale fans, as I cover a lot of things that make no sense to anyone who dosen't know everything there is to know about the game. Kudos if you do, read up on it if you don't. Or not. Whatever. also, hi five to my second follower: walleluvseve! It means tons to know I'm slowly rising to fame! (Just 1499998 followers to go until I hit the famous mark)