
          Once you get this award you’re supposed to paste it on the wall of eight people who deserve it! If you break this chain, nothing will happen, but it’s nice to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out.


Hey :) 
          I stumbled upon your profile and I see that the two of us have basically the same taste in books! So naturally I came to the conclusion that if we have the same taste in books, you would like my taste in writing. If you have the time, you should check out my story "Silently Falling."
          True to the title, "Silently Falling" is about a girl who was forced to lose her voice. She learns sign language to communicate, and soon that becomes her regular lifestyle. She's back to going through the motions, but everything suddenly changes when she meets him. The famous bad boy delinquent. 
          She tries to avoid his constant smirks, but he's taken an interest in her and doesn't plan on letting go. But what happens when she finds out that maybe she doesn't want him to? In a mix of hot guys, sarcastic humor, and a blooming romance, "Silently Falling" is the next big thing.
          If you do decide to read my story, don't be shy :) Vote, comment, and do whatever else you wish! 


Hi yea sounds amazing I will definitely take a look