
lol I haven’t posted anything in so long.. switched fandoms and all that. I think I genuinely liked some of the stories I posted on here, but I don’t think they’ll ever be finished.
          	I’m still alive & active elsewhere though! I’m on instagram as @/parselscript if anyone wants to look at the chaotic oc’s I have
          	remember to stay safe during these times 


lol I haven’t posted anything in so long.. switched fandoms and all that. I think I genuinely liked some of the stories I posted on here, but I don’t think they’ll ever be finished.
          I’m still alive & active elsewhere though! I’m on instagram as @/parselscript if anyone wants to look at the chaotic oc’s I have
          remember to stay safe during these times 


Hey love, long time no chat! Just dropping a little hello here to let you know that I was thinking about you and your writing today~ 
          I hope that your ideas flow smoothly and that you are never attacked by the writers block! 


@TheWaystone Thank you, Waystone-chan~ (It's been quite a while since we last talked xD)


So... uh...
          I've been stuck on this one chapter that I don't know how to write..
          During that time, I stocked up a few chapters that'll all go out on the same time. And .... If it piles up real big, then, yay! Less wait for new chapters! 
          But then again, what am I supposed to do with this one chapter that keeps frustrating me?