
@Yuki_girl3  owww i mean't drank* 2 cups of coffee xp


@midoriko-sama  hi!!!! OMG HAHAHAHA toothless is sooooooo cute :3 especially in the 2nd movie *w*, no i did not know that, got a pretty boring childhood -____-...... sorry about this late reply, hope i did not hurt you :) i just have seen this now, anyway well, ive been there and still now :) BUT i think that being "unwanted" is a strong word to describe your situation don't you think? oppsss i realize that i still don't know the situation your in heheheh sorry, hope you will see this cause i never intend to ignore you hahaha infact i want to know you more :3 be one of your wattpad friends if you will, i guess :DDDDD




hahahahha but i hang out with coffee all the time now it doesn't affect me that much xD hahaha...i failed in a course T.T


i misssss youuu like craaazyyy!!! XD hahah corny fine just preparing myself for another set of sleepless nights -_- hahahah...and you?? how are ya? :D


"I met you as a stranger. Now I have you as a friend. I hope we meet in our next walk of life where friendship never ends. Send this to all your friends.. ♥ I ♥ may ♥ not ♥ be ♥ the ♥ most ♥ important ♥ person ♥ in ♥ your ♥ Life ♥ I ♥ just ♥ hope ♥ that ♥ when ♥ you ♥ hear ♥ my ♥ name ♥ you ♥ smile ♥ & ♥ say ♥ THAT'S MY FRIEND!! Looovvvveee youuu!:) Whoever stops this wil b unhappy for 9 mths. Tell 8 people u love them, I hope I am one."


"I met you as a stranger. Now I have you as a friend. I hope we meet in our next walk of life where friendship never ends. Send this to all your friends.. ♥ I ♥ may ♥ not ♥ be ♥ the ♥ most ♥ important ♥ person ♥ in ♥ your ♥ Life ♥ I ♥ just ♥ hope ♥ that ♥ when ♥ you ♥ hear ♥ my ♥ name ♥ you ♥ smile ♥ & ♥ say ♥ THAT'S MY FRIEND!! Looovvvveee youuu!:) Whoever stops this wil b unhappy for 9 mths. Tell 8 people u love them, I hope I am one."


          "I met you as a stranger. Now I have you as a friend. I hope we meet in our next walk of life where friendship never ends. Send this to all your friends.. ♥ I ♥ may ♥ not ♥ be ♥ the ♥ most ♥ important ♥ person ♥ in ♥ your ♥ Life ♥ I ♥ just ♥ hope ♥ that ♥ when ♥ you ♥ hear ♥ my ♥ name ♥ you ♥ smile ♥ & ♥ say ♥ THAT'S MY FRIEND!! Looovvvveee youuu!:) Whoever stops this wil b unhappy for 9 mths. Tell 8 people u love them, I hope I am one."


@Yuki_girl3 hahahaha.....not at all i'm just starting to get serious in college but...its hard >.< got failing grades on almost all my subjects >.<....hahahah my bio is embarrassing >.< i wrote it after i drunk 2 cups of coffee on midnight xD....yup i wont!!.....what is your fav anime by the way?? :3