

Chapter two is out now!


          I took a break from wattpad and im still not going to be on very much i just wanted to say im not ded im still alive and i hope everyone is doing okay


I'm doing fine just not fully in a good mindset right now and I'm stressed out with a lot of things I just need space with a few things,  so writing is an outlet for me right now. 


Hru doing girlie? It’s me, K. Tell ur brothers they better behave now that I can’t scold them since I’m in high school now ^.^


If you were killed, I wouldn't be at your funeral.
          I'd be in jail for killing the person who killed you.
          We are true friends.
          We ride together, we die together.
          Send this to everybody you care about, including me, if you care.
          See how many times u get this.
          1 want you to know you are an amazing friend, till death and forever.
          If I don't get this back, I understand.
          But I have a game for you.
          Once you read this letter,
          you must send this to 15 people, including me.
          If you get at least three back, you are loved.
          Nobody knows how important something is, until they lose it.
          Tonight, (right at 12:00am) the person you love will realize they love you. Then, at 1:00pm to 2:00pm, be ready for the shock of your life!
          If you break this chain, you will have bad luck.
          With love, send this to the 15
          If you don't, you will turn ugly in one year.
          A friend told me to do this, so pass it on. !!
          Tomorrow, two boys/girls will ask "Can I have your number?"
          Send this message to 15 nice people or bad luck starts for a whole year.
          This is not fake.
          Apparently, if you copy and paste this, you will have the best
          day of your life tomorrow
          Good luck
          Heya bestie. Ben awhile! ❤️❤️❤️


Okay so i hope you guys understand that i NEED actual good books and yes im gonna be picky on this. Look at my library.
          I need book suggestionssssssss to read
          please look at my reading list and then if you think you got a book that might catch my attention then do share. ill hpost the book in discord if i enjoy it that much
          i have writen a new chapter of a book called "Vivian" o srsly dont need to be scolded by my crappy grammar because well I KNOW i have horrid spelling thats what grammarly is for lmfao! 
          anyway, im srs i need book read
          i need sleep so night sleep well and yu! 
          nini from starsend system < 3 


Yo, I am almost done with the book cover, I just have some details/features of Apollo that I don’t have yet! But you’ll be flabbergasted when you see the finished product!


@Suppsplex thank ya!! lol ik its late also please know i lost my phone to my own stupidity could you let the others know..? 
            and iress really misses you guys and we apologize-


AYYYYY, Whats up my fellow wattpaders im posting a new story in honnor of me turning 16 in two weeks oh how excited i am (Sarcam) 
          Im sure you guys would enjoy it the first chapter is going up now~


            Thank you!! Im not excited tho-


@Sarah6091 happy early birthday! :D