
ya allah...
          	Tolong jagakan dia, i wish him nothing but a happiness, he have been through a lot, please do not let anyone broke his heart more. Bring him closer to you everytime he's definitely safe with you. You love him more than I do Ya Rabb. Aamin.


ya allah...
          Tolong jagakan dia, i wish him nothing but a happiness, he have been through a lot, please do not let anyone broke his heart more. Bring him closer to you everytime he's definitely safe with you. You love him more than I do Ya Rabb. Aamin.


Hi !
          Just nak cakap, Irin baru unpub semua fanfic. Ada sebabnya, tak sure akan publish balik atau tak. Ada ke yang tunggu? Kalau ada, irin minta maaf sangat-sangat. Insyaallah, tengok keadaan.
          Terima kasih <3


@Irinbelle huhu baru je nk sambung baca TwT