
@Marieli-2015 You're welcome. You followed me and you seem nice. @sack_rabbit I was too easily won. I saw you had a Magi fan fiction and that's all it took.


Hi $up  I’m tsume 110  I’m now following you :3 I reAd your book (for my $Ake $ollux x reAder) And I hAve to $Ay it’$ the be$t  $ol x reAder I hAve reAd $o fAr And I’ve reAd A lot.
          I reAlly hope to reAd more p$: do you do request for chApter$ if $o mAy I reque$t A chApter where A$ $ol And Eridan Argue About $sleeping Arrangements And one of them has$ to room with the reAder for the night And Eridan thinkin$ it $hould be him because of him being A high blood so he $hould hAve the better $sleeping qUAters but the reader cAnt $tand him because he gives them A heAd Ache. Please reply thank ya 


haha yes Magi is amazing isnt it!! sorry i havent been updating i have been working on the next chapter like everyday at lunch and on the bus and in bed XD it may take a while


@sack_rabbit haha. It's fine. Take your time. It's really good so far and in going to enjoy reading it a lot. I'm used to waiting for manga chapters to be released and I know how difficult it is to write a fan fiction so I can bear the wait.