
Hello everyone,
          	I know it has been a very long time since anything has been posted on here and for that I apologize whole heartily. There are some changes that will be taking place.
          	First off this account is no longer going to be a joined account. And will be taken back over by myself (Kimberly).
          	Second I will be redoing Hunted as many of you know or are aware of. Trust me I have not forgotten this story at all and I hope to start putting up chapters soon as I greatly miss writing it. 
          	I think for now that summarizes everything up. If you have any questions don't hesitate to message me. Hopefully the next time I'm back it'll be with an update for Hunted.  
          	Thank you for sticking with me,
          	Kimberly B.


Hello everyone,
          I know it has been a very long time since anything has been posted on here and for that I apologize whole heartily. There are some changes that will be taking place.
          First off this account is no longer going to be a joined account. And will be taken back over by myself (Kimberly).
          Second I will be redoing Hunted as many of you know or are aware of. Trust me I have not forgotten this story at all and I hope to start putting up chapters soon as I greatly miss writing it. 
          I think for now that summarizes everything up. If you have any questions don't hesitate to message me. Hopefully the next time I'm back it'll be with an update for Hunted.  
          Thank you for sticking with me,
          Kimberly B.


WOW! Where has the time gone! I now have over 400 reads and officially 30 votes on Hunted. Thank you to everyone who has read, commented, and voted for Hunted. It could not be where it is without you all. <3 
          I know quite a few of my readers are asking me when Hunted will be updated. And honestly I don't really know. I am currently waiting for my friend to get her computer fixed since she is writing another version of Hunted. This version will be in a different point of view and the reason for the waiting is we want to update at the same time. 
          Thank you again to all my wonderful readers! :D