I have reached peak gayness I now have Halloween cat slippers y'all can't beat me
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I have reached peak gayness I now have Halloween cat slippers y'all can't beat me
I have reached peak gayness I now have Halloween cat slippers y'all can't beat me
Ok so I had an Idea for an original book while I was in 1st hour physical science talking about heterogeneous and homogenous mixtures, the idea is about an interracial (Asian and Hispanic) lesbian couple at college, I would definitely need to talk to people considering I can 9nly relate to these character bc I am a lesbian, I would need to talk to people of different backgrounds, races, sexualities, and overall different cultures. If you're interested in helping you can contact me on snap chat @hippykat226
I will also be adding a story on there dedicated to specifically helping with the book, I also need people who are In college bc I don't know how that shit works preferably a more university setting, seriously I need help on this and this will take along time I don't plan to post a chapter until I'm finsihed writing, it may not even be on wattpad
*Sad Gay Hours* has begun
Ok someone I follow just asked this and now I’m curious what’s y’all’s favorite smell it can be one thing or many. My favorite smells are trees (can be pretty much any type of plant really just not sweet or tropical smells like flowers or palm trees mainly the woody smells) Freshly cut paper (and I mean that nice stuff like you would find in like a leather bound book not printer paper) Bonfires or fires in general (especially wood fires bc again yes just yes) The smell after it rains (I don’t get to smell this much bc I live in the dryers part of Kansa ever and within walking distance of a feed lot but when it doesn’t smell like moist cow poop so usually if you’re away from it and like especially in summer and spring it’s just beautiful especially hearing the birds after) The smell of when fall just arrives like the leaves are just turning color and falling and the coffee shops are breaking open their extra supplies of cinnamon) Coffee ( the really dark stuff that’s just completely heavenly) Mint herbs (whether it’s chocolate mint of lemon mint idc but something about mint just hits that spot) I’m definetlt missing some of my favs but like I don’t know I’m actually curious, please let me know
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENNIE ALL US BLINKS LOVE YA Not that she can see this but let me dream
I’m thinking of writing a jikook fanfic based on a tweet I found if you’d be interested in reading it please let me know cause if no ones interested in reading it I won’t publish it but I’ll go ahead and try writing a couple chapters so yeah let me know
@Morrigann_Angelus ok yeah that’s great it might not be the best but yeah I love jikook I was always fascinated by the dynamic and usually enjoy watching them be crackheads together
@Irish_hippy That's actually probably the only ship in BTS I might read So yeah I would be interested
Hey I’m bored and me and my family were fooling around with this game and it goes like this take any movie quote and add bro to the end “I got two guns one for each of ya bro” Doc Holiday - Tombstone
@Irish_hippy Keep your friends close and your enemies closer bro from godfather part 2
Y’all my girlfriend just dumped me for a guy she said was perfect, we’ve been dating for 3 months I cried for the longest time so I turned to my ex who I’m not completely over and yeah it sucks but she made me feel in again and like I was enough, honestly why did I leave my ex i don’t know but it hurts
Y'all guess who just lost their credit card and is struggling to find it
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