i'm writing this so early in the morning where i am from. For those of you who may not know, i am a big technoblade fan. He was definitely one of my favorite inspirations. He sadly passed away a few day ago and didn't find out until recently. i was away and didn't really had the time to post since there was no internet. i was finally home and saw his latest video that was posted a few hours ago. his father told us his final words. I want to say that i feel so sorry to his family and friends. not only did he have a big impact in the minecraft community but he had a big impact on the world. i admire him and will continue to do so. but for now i want to say is thank you. you may not be able to see this techno and will never get the chance to but thank you for all you have done for us despite your pain you must have felt leaving us all. techno may have never died but alex did. alex is a nice name. check out all the things you can up there king. one of the crowns have left this world but it will alway be for you. fly high and be free. free of government. free of the shackles this world has given us. free of the pains in this world. we will all miss you, our dear blood-god. the crown you wore proudly on your head will wait for you until you come back. It will alway be there. just for you. thank you alex, and goodbye.