Good morning, love. i’m writing this on the conversation board, and i must apologise for that. there are so many responses, and i wanted to take a moment to acknowledge all of you. you’ve been so patient, supportive, and full of love for this story, and i felt it was only right to respond to you with the same care and affection you’ve shown me. thank you ever so much for your lovely and heartfelt message, my love. writing a taekook fanfic can indeed be quite the journey, but knowing there are readers like you who cherish and support it makes all the challenges worthwhile. i completely understand how the twists and turns of the story can spark different emotions, and it’s so reassuring to know that you’re engaging with the characters, even when their choices don’t entirely make sense. It’s all part of the story’s charm, I suppose! your offer to stand by me against any negativity is deeply touching. i’m fortunate that most of you have shown nothing but kindness and encouragement, but rest assured, I’ll take your advice to heart and prioritise my mental well-being. knowing that this book has become so special to you fills me with so much gratitude. It’s an honour to have created something that resonates so deeply, and i promise to do my utmost to deliver an ending worthy of your devotion. thank you again for your loyal support… it’s readers like you who make this all so rewarding. Look after yourself, and I hope you continue to enjoy the journey we’re on together. Much love, my darlin❤️

@taekookieszoe and just needed a minute to register the fact that you addressed me so beautifully by calling me love and darling ❤️ Much love for you as well

@taekookieszoe No damn way that you responded back like this! Again it means the world to me. Thank you so much for taking out the time to write back, this is so sweeeeeet. You made my day literally. Please dont apologize, I understand there was definitely a solid reason behind all of that after all we all are humans and we feel things deeply. I appreciate you prioritising your mental health first! We will wait till you are able to write new chapters no matter how impatient we can get at times. Thank you for not abandoning the book honestly, I couldn't be happier. I am glad that I played some part in motivating you because I know how tough it can get at times to just ignore everything else and get started with the new chapter. More power to you! Take good care of yourself and I will definitely continue this journey ❤️ Happy to be here!