
Danke für all eure lieben Nachrichten. Ich gehe sobald ich Zeit habe durch all eure Dms. Ihr seit alle so lieb! Liebe uvh von Herzen und hoffe es geht euch Allen gut!!!


@farbenschleier naww I'm gonna cry love u so much❤️❤️


Iroooonn alles gute nachträglich (⁠ ⁠・ั⁠﹏⁠・ั⁠)  I hope you have a beautiful new Lebensjahr, and all the best and flowers and butterflies and unicorns and sunshine my loveee<3
          May the force be with you and all otters on the world


Hey hun, R U still alive??


Ooohh, what are you studying? 
            You and London would literally be so iconic, like  literally straight out of a novel! 
            My aunt lives there, and she always sends us pics.
            Walking down the rainy street, with a hot coffee in your hand on your way to the library...
            You met your hot academic rival yet?
            I'm alright , just school I guess :⁠,⁠-⁠)
            But falls finally here, so my soul is healed and my heart is as happy as ever :)
            Hope you're having da best time, luv uuu <3


@Saphira-moonriver i decided to do study and am actually quite happy where i am. Additionally I work at a bookstore. Like dream life haha.  But maybe I decide to move to London or so to really feel like a maincharacter or something hahahah. Wbu? Are u alright and everything? 


ayyy, me too :/   iwi komm ich absolut nicht mehr dazu länger hier zu versinken, ich hab einfach nicht die Zeit :')
            Aber wie geht's dir??? Ich hab das Gefühl ich habe Unmengen verpasst!                              Du bist doch jetzt raus ausm Büffelstall, was machst du so?                                                                                                 Sitzt du in deiner dark-academia-era in einem coffeeshop und guckst aus dem verregneten Fenster?