
Finally I can take a short break from assignments.. at least that is what I thought, just right after I submitted my last lab report, my Professor sent us an email saying that there's one last assignment. It was a group assignment.
          	I got my firefly in early 20 pulls, now grinding for her lightcones. Slowly start to give up on my FGO game. 
          	Got a plan on slowly updating my fanfic but with games, assignments and adding another problem with a woman ( my girlfriend ). A woman is truly one of the most mysterious creatures in this world, just a second ago she's doing just great and in another second she got a problem with me 


@IruhamuNikku oh good, anyway hope you have a wonderful day buddy


@Glain413 not she's not like my other ex, also it's fine.. non taken cause most of the time my ex being a d**khead


@IruhamuNikku  oh great shes not like your ex right? Sorry if i sound insensitive with my word, but yeah me too buddy, i know how it feels(not the girlfriend one since i don't have one) but the first part but like agent saya you're not alone


@iruhamunikku how are you buddy? Been well? As for me i gotta say its not


@IruhamuNikku heh, hey i sue that for copyright strike, but thank you, ill try Buddy, you too stay determined' and never give up!


@Glain413 anytime buddy, I could say the same thing to you. If you need anything, you know where to find me. Oh and I'm going to use your word this time : Stay determined and never give up


@IruhamuNikku anyway again thanks, hope it goes well with you too, if you need anything Im here buddy


hey buddy, just cheking up, how are you buddy? tired, frustrated, stress? if you wanted to talk about it you can always talk here to us and me, we'll always be there for you


@iruhamunikku if you say so, just tell me if you need anything ok buddy? Im always here and so is everyone


@Glain413 it's ok buddy, to be honest, it doesn't affect me at all.. people come and people go, it's hurt for a couple of days but after that, I just simply ignored the feelings. I still got tons of things that I need to think of rather than some broken relationships. So yes I'm okay now 


@IruhamuNikku are you ok? Even though you say its fine, you still experience that you ok buddy? 
            But Im glad to see you living your life,
            Remember to 'never give up and :stay determined'!!


Finally I can take a short break from assignments.. at least that is what I thought, just right after I submitted my last lab report, my Professor sent us an email saying that there's one last assignment. It was a group assignment.
          I got my firefly in early 20 pulls, now grinding for her lightcones. Slowly start to give up on my FGO game. 
          Got a plan on slowly updating my fanfic but with games, assignments and adding another problem with a woman ( my girlfriend ). A woman is truly one of the most mysterious creatures in this world, just a second ago she's doing just great and in another second she got a problem with me 


@IruhamuNikku oh good, anyway hope you have a wonderful day buddy


@Glain413 not she's not like my other ex, also it's fine.. non taken cause most of the time my ex being a d**khead


@IruhamuNikku  oh great shes not like your ex right? Sorry if i sound insensitive with my word, but yeah me too buddy, i know how it feels(not the girlfriend one since i don't have one) but the first part but like agent saya you're not alone


Me : Alright... Time to make some progress for my fanfic
          My senior suddenly texted me : Alright, Nikku. I need you to make a poster for the 7th June program. Also make me some text for speech.
          Me :.. well it can't get even worse than that right ?
          A few minutes later,
          My friend : Nikku, I need you to help me make some slides for the 6th June presentation. Make it simple but compact with important information.
          Me :... Well... Umm it's just 3 works.. how bad it can be.
          In the exact same moment,
          My groupmate for camping : alright Nikku I need you to buy this stuff for our camping "proceed to give me a list of 10 items to buy"
          Me :...


@IruhamuNikku well if you say so, just tell us if you need or help with anything, we cant guarantee we can help, but we can atleast try


@Glain413 it was like : "I have to do this even though I was against this" kind of stuff. So it was 50/50 on am I ok about this


@IruhamuNikku are you ok about this though?


i just checking up how are things here, and my wattpad decided to mess with me by not showing the stories in niku account until like 3 seconds, i seriously had my heart stopped beating for a sec or something between the line.. good things, its still good in here


if you all waiting for update be patience, nikku has life you know, hes at collage and all, i doubt he have the time as he is used to anymore, so if anyone reading this be it new or old readers that is waiting for the genshin fanfic, hes going to be busy until august, so let us wait for him and maybe when we return we all came back and we can ask what you wanted to say, so long as it not too personal or a lot he deserved some rest


@IruhamuNikku you're welcome buddy, by any means if you need us, we'll be here


@Glain413 thank you,you guys... I really appreciate it


@Glain413 i agree with glain i feel the same pain as nikku college is so horrible


Checkup how you've been doing my friend?
          Tired, stressed, pressured, yet again or is there something new, if theres anything new or something you would like to tell us, we're here, and Im listening


@IruhamuNikku i see, well its good to see you and everything is fine, now me and others know your status, anyway if you wanted to talk to us about something, we're here always, and good luck on the field trip and.. be careful
            remember "never give up!" and "stay determined!"


@Glain413 hey Glain. Well everything is fine, it's just that I was kind of busy lately. Especially since I have returned to my university.
            Our Prof' wants us to make a few preparations for our upcoming field trip 


Checkup how you've been doing nikku? 
          Been well? How your condition, tired, stressed? If you want we can talk here


Know buddy we are ALWAYS here for you


If you need anything we'll be here, and always remember to 'never give up' and 'stay determined'  and talk to is if you want to let out some steam(stressed, frustation)


I see, just remember to take A break and refresh yourself by reading something, and maybe go outside for some fresh air, you can only go so much without a break after all, anyway hope you're getting a good pay for this, if not well thats gonna be bad for your lives, if you find it bad, try to find another, maybe make a plan for substitue jobs