To those of you who think that protesting and rioting is not necessary you are wrong. Police brutality is a real and evident issue, officers have been beating and murdering innocent Black people for years and are not being punished or taking responsibility for their actions. We need to do something and peaceful protests are an important way to help it get there. However, look at the history books, riots, although extremely unlawful, do help initiate change. Sixty years ago Martin Luther King peacefully protested and look where thatgot him, assassinated. In recent times Colin Kaepernick peacefully protested by kneeling during the national anthem to recognize the racism that Black people face everyday and look what happened to him. He used his platform for the greater good and was ultimately bullied out of his occupation and no change followed, only criticism of his patriotism. We have tried peaceful protesting only to be met with tear gas, rubber bullets, beatings, and Martial Law. Remember that protests and rioting is what paved the way for women’s suffrage, the end of slavery, and LGBTQ rights. For example, the Stonewall riots are the reason we even have LGBTQ rights in the first place. Remember that if you just sit there and do nothing you are also at fault. The Black Lives Matter movement needs to happen and do not say it doesn’t if you say that is your white privilege speaking. Remember there is something you can do to help. If you do not wanna be or cannot be involved in protests there are other things you can do to help support the BlackLives matter movement by educating yourself, recognizing your privilege, using your voice to help bring awareness to the issue and advocate for those who can not do so themselves, signing petitions, and donating.