
@ListunStar ohhh, lol it's cool, just got worried! :3 do you have kik?


Yes I do! I'll inbox it to you~ :3


@ListunStar aww, lol I'm sorry your buddies left, maybe they'll come back, ya never know! I just got notified that you updated so I'm going to read that now, so excited! ^-^  :3  btw, thanks for followin meh! Lol I have no followers so your the first!


I hope they'll come back...
            But now I consider you a buddy, so I'm happy! ^-^
            Also, I'll be notified now if you ever upload a story~


@ListunStar awesome! I can't wait!! ^v^ so do you talk to other people too, like we are right now? Lol JC :P  


Well to honestly answer your question...I don't. xP
            I used to have a lot of buddies on here, but they all just disappeared...
            However, it's really nice when I get to talk to someone again. :>


@ListunStar yeah, your right, thanks. Except usually my memory is so bad I have to write down the things that are important so I can remember. When people talk to me I have to ask them what they said again because I can comprehend what they said(it's either that or I have a hearing problem). I even had to read your entire pewdiecry story just so I can read the next update and know what's going on. I don't know if I can write a story without making a flop. Do you have any facts about memory loss that can help me?


Sometimes, I write down the most important events in the story to help me from forgetting details and deciding what to write next. Even so, you've probably noticed, I still make mistakes. :S
            The nice thing about Wattpad is when you find them, they're easy to fix! ^-^


@ListunStar that's great advice! Thank you so much, I'll have to think of what to write (which will take a whole lot of time for me because 1, I have a bad case of short term memory loss which can really mess up the story, and 2, because I can't concentrate easily) so it might be bad. :/ Do you have a specific type of genre that might be good for my story? :)


I have the same two problems! Every time I update, I have to go back about 3 chapters and check what all happened because I'll usually completely forget. :S
            Just pick something that YOU want to write about. Pick something that interests you, and will keep you motivated to keep updating. ^-^


@ListunStar awesome, thank you for sharing that with me, I've been told I'm a pretty good writer myself so I might write something one day weather it's on watt pad or something else. Do you have any advice for me in the future, I could really need it. :) 


You should definitely post one of you your stories! If you end up doing it, make sure to tell me because I would love to read it! ^-^
            And for my advice...This might sound lame, but make sure you use tags in your story! ^-^
            That will help other users find it, and enjoy it! 
            Also maybe find a cover photo that attracts others to come take a look at it. :)
            If you need help making a cover, don't hesitate to ask me. 
            That's all for advice, but I think those two things really help bring in readers. :D