


My name is Isabella. My fav is Ross <3 my fav color is a turquoise/teal, I'm 17, I play softball, and I have always wanted to be in one of these stories... I'm not very good at writing my own stories (if u read mine u will notice how terrible they are) so I was wondering if you aka whoever comments on this could help me out. Do u know if or do u want to make a story on here about me and Ross? I already have the plot of the story but I don't know how to write it. if so can I b Ross's BFF/secret crush rydels BFF. And can I b enemy's with whoever Ross's gf is because I like Ross a lot and I don't want to mess up our friendship? And since I thought he would never like me back I date Ryland and Ross gets jealous? But by then it's too late cause I have fallen for Ryland. And then one day I get raped and Ross is the only one there for me.


Is anyone making a story? If so can I b Ross's BFF/secret crush? And also rydels BFF. And can I be enemy's with whoever Ross's gf is because I like Ross a lot and I don't want to mess up our friendship? And since I thought he would never like me back I date one of the other lynch boys and Ross gets jealous?