What's up diamonds!!! I have a conversation that has been in my mind, what do you think about fairy tail? I love fairy tail and can't wait for the 100 year quest and I have to watch it again because it's go good!! IDK why it gets this much hate. Like, it's "the power of friendship", but other anime use "the power of friendship", but fairy tail uses it more. Fairy tail has a great story, good animatipon to where it's not bad, but not as good as demon slayer. Like people these days are too privlaged,m like if they start with demon slayer, jjk, or other animes that have great animation, them they won't like other animes that don't have that same peak animation, like the start of one piece, hell's parricide, and bleach. Fairy tail shouldn't be sh*t on because of that one factor of "The power of friendship". The story is amazing and the character designs are great. Not to mention the *COUGH* mommy characters *COUGH* female characters, they can actually fight, unlike some other animes characters. *COUGH* SAKURA *COUGH* (she useless in my opinion) Fairy tail is good, so don't sh*t on it
~ Metal-Chan