
Someone save me, I have too many book ideas but very very little time to write because of my internship and bachelor thesis project preparations.


The overwhelming urge to write a Dune series fanfic that is sort of a crossover with Anne McCaffrey's Dragon flight series (by that I mean the concept and the basics because some things were very disappointing about that first book that I have yet to read any of the others whoops).
          Which would also include my interpretation of Paul Atreides and his struggles and eventual turn and change in character as he becomes a dictatorial man with a Jihad at his beck and call, a person who his younger self would no longer recognise and would also be disgusted by.
          Oh god the drama and the pain.


I normally do not like to get political anywhere on my socials including here but my heart goes out to my American followers, the women, the queer community, and anyone in general that is scared as hell right now.
          There have been several US Government websites that have been taken down that informed the public about reproductive health, HIV and other things. On tumblr you can find varying sources of help that have been vetted and tips on what and what not to do. These are dangerous times. Stay safe. Look out for each other.


@BunnyGirlHP  no problem at all. It's only what's right.


@IsabelleJacobs1 Thank you for your support, even just in this way. It’s gonna be a long four years, but we’ve survived for centuries, and we’ll keep fighting a little longer.


I do not have tiktok but I would also like to add that I recommend US citizens to get a vpn because several things that you look up on tiktok such as facism and Palestine come up blank and comments containing such words get deleted automatically. Idk much about the subject because I do not have the app but there is more about it on tumblr.


I have now lost a total of 33 followers rip. I remember when I broke 600 and I was so happy! Like I sortof get why but jesus man what if there's an author that hasn't posted in ages and who's work you like to reread and poof, suddenly they've been deleted.


@IsabelleJacobs1 yeah and there’s an author I follow who sadly passed away and now I’m worried their account will be deleted


I have lost like legs 21 followers because apparently wattpad is deleting inactive accounts rip


@BunnyGirlHP  thank god I was still semi active because if they had deleted my account, I would die. They did delete my old ass backup account that I literally hadn't opened in years because I forgot the password lmao


@IsabelleJacobs1 oh no that sucks :( glad I got back online before they deleted mine *fear emoji*