
Don't try to explain the madness, because you will end up mad
          	IsacBlack 2024!


Matthew 9:13
          [13] Go and learn what it means: 'I want mercy, and not sacrifice!' For I did not come to call the righteous to repentance, but the sinners.
          Matei 9:13
          [13]Duceţi-vă de învăţaţi ce înseamnă: ‘Milă voiesc, iar nu jertfă!’ Căci n-am venit să chem la pocăinţă pe cei neprihăniţi, ci pe cei păcătoși.”


@ Isacblack  bravo ca pui din biblie


Genesis 24:67
          [67] Isaac took Rebekah to his mother Sarah's tent; he took Rebekah, she was his wife, and he loved her. Thus was Isaac comforted for the loss of his mother. 
          Judges 16:19
          [19] She put him to sleep on her knees. and calling a man, he shaved the seven locks from Samson's head, and thus began to weaken him. He lost his power
          Your boyfriend or girlfriend! your choice ! it can bring you blessing or relief or it can bring you misfortune and trouble


Luke 12:25-27
          [25] And then, which of you, even worrying, can add a cubit to the length of his life?
          [26] So if you cannot do the least thing, why are you worried about the rest?
          [27] Look carefully at how the lilies grow: they do not spin or weave, yet I tell you that not even Solomon, in all his glory, was dressed like one of them.


In seara asta sau mâine!Voi posta un capitol  in  care aduc mulțumire grupului meu de pe wattpad . Multi băieți  am in grup dar si una sau două fete. 
          Asa ca va știți  voi :)))) . Cine a primit  intrebarile in privat apare in cap.