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Maybe the reason you have 0 folowers is because ur a dickhead and ha its funny that u wanna make fun of my stories dickhead i tried to be nice 2 u but u wont stop so go fuck urself im sick of you

Surrrreeeee. Whatever ya say. You've been such a dick to so many people at this point and i really did try to be nice to you for a long time but do you ever stop and think that people kill themselves everyday because of people like you? You would have so many more reads and follows if you actually tried to be nice. I mean, I dont have a lot, but more than you because i actually make an effort not to be a dickhead to people. And as for your comments on the other guys friends book, I suggest you find a different place to express your anger over your own life. It is not other peoples fault that you think you have the right to say anything you want and think that people eont say anything back. There is a special place in Hell for people like you. I hope you understand that , and change soon. I even tried to be your friend once, but apparently you font want any friends. So yeah, thats your problem. In the meantime, i am here when you need somebody to talk to. I am not here to hate on you.