
Hi Isaiah hope you're doing well. 
          Happy New Month.
          I just want to let you know. THE DRAGON HEART IS MINE (GERALT TARGARYEN) has been rewritten. Hopefully you might want to check it. 
          Here's the link below. I look forward to having you on board and hearing your inputs on each chapters. Xoxo. Lewa Kulture 


Hey, I do plan on continuing SW, just struggling to kick off Revenge of the Sith. I'm trying to make it to where Anakin's resentment to Revan continues to grow, and drive the story to a big battle in the temple between Blood Brothers, and have Anakin still fight Obi-Wan on Mustafar. Any help you're willing to provide you can find me on Wattpad or Discord... n7_legiongames.