
Hi people that follow me I’m really sorry for the inconvenience this may cause but I’m moving my works on this account. This is actually my second Account and I want to merge the two. I’m transferring all my works published and drafts to my first account SilverBell2005. Again I’m sorry but I have stories on both accounts so this will make it easier for me to do updates. Originally I made this account so my cousin could have a Wattpad but they were finally allowed to make their own so I no longer need this one. I started writing stories on here because I wanted to but because of that I sometimes log into this account and forget about the stories here and the same vice versa. If you want to continue reading these when I do update they will be on SilverBell2005.


Hi people that follow me I’m really sorry for the inconvenience this may cause but I’m moving my works on this account. This is actually my second Account and I want to merge the two. I’m transferring all my works published and drafts to my first account SilverBell2005. Again I’m sorry but I have stories on both accounts so this will make it easier for me to do updates. Originally I made this account so my cousin could have a Wattpad but they were finally allowed to make their own so I no longer need this one. I started writing stories on here because I wanted to but because of that I sometimes log into this account and forget about the stories here and the same vice versa. If you want to continue reading these when I do update they will be on SilverBell2005.


I’ve had a couple of Hitman Jones fanfic ideas floating around in my head for a while now and finally decided to write it out. The story is called “Dirty” and I would appreciate it if my followers could check it out. Please tell me your thoughts on it if you do read it.


Readers of my England fanfic the next chapter might take a little longer than I expected. I have the plan for it I just need to rewatch Hetalia to refresh my memory first. I want to make my story fit in the hetalia timeline as much as possible. I also have a songfic I'm currently working on. It won't take long to rewatch the series for me so the next chapter should be up in 1 or 2 weeks.


To all my Followers I'm working on the Songfic at my own pace but have another Hetalia fanfic I want to write. This one is about England and has to do with magic. I don't know if their will be romance. I will have a few OC's and some characters from a book I'm writing. I won't ship England with any of my OC`s unless the readers really want me to.


To the people who follow me for no reason. I want to write a songfic. I have three ideas but want you to pick which one I'll write. 
          The first one is from the Anime Hetalia where Alfred/America is fed up with the other nations drama and BS causing him to  snap.
           The other two are from the Anime Blue Exorcist. The second one is about a suicidal Rin  Okumura who is convinced he's nothing but a failure. 
          The third one is about Rin Okumura who is going through alot but no one bothers to notice and slowly he begins to burn on the inside.
          I won't tell you what songs I'll be using but I did leave hints about the songs in the story descriptions. Try and guess the songs if you like.


@Isanae_Bloodrose Hetalia is the only anime I have seen, so I would have to go with that one.