
Mew update. 
          	Read the new chapter of ‘The bad boy healed my broken heart.’


Book cover alert  
          Damn I spent one freaking hour on editing  this cover.. by far this one is my favourite... hope its yours too.
          Go check out the new cover of “The Bad Boy  Healed My Broken Heart” now....
          What are you waiting for?


Here's a new chapter for “The bad boy healed my broken heart.” 
          There's loads of surprising cute moments in this chapter(13), so make sure you read it and let me know in the comment section, how you felt about it. 
          Thank you..♥️
          Happy Mother's Day♥️


Hello folks...
          I have recently changed the name of my book... From ( He healed my broken heart) to 
          “The Bad Boy Healed My Broken Heart”
          I think this title suits the story better...
          Please read the book and share your thoughts with me. 
          Don't forget to vote and comment....
          Love you all


What’s up everyone.. hope you guys are fine.
          I uploaded another part of He healed my broken heart. (Chapter 12) 
          Things are getting spicy between our main characters. Make sure you read the chapter and don’t  forget to vote and comment. 
          Thank you  


Heyy all. 
          How are you guys doing. 
          I’m so exited to continue “He healed my broken heart”
          I’ve recently updated a new chapter(chapter-9). 
          Go check it out and make sure you vote and comment. 
          Keep supporting, please. 
          Thank you.