
I just finished reading "The Fault in our stars" I am dying. SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME. It was so beautiful and devastating. I have never cried so much over a book, believe me.


It's been ages since my clustered brain has been put to use in writing. I'm planning to start writing again because I see it's been three months since I wrote down my emotions and imaginations. I really hope I'll be able to do as I wish. I've missed wattpad so much. <3


A very Happy Birthday to the sweetest person on this entire planet, Liam Payne. 
          Dear Liam, 
          You're one of the most amazing people I've ever come across and I love you more than life. Thank you would be an understatement for what you've done for me. You've made me proud and have always stood beside us no matter how stupid we've acted. You always glue our crazy fandom together, no matter how hard things get. You deserve every thing you've achieved in these past years and I'm so proud of you. You're my light that guides me out of the darkness whenever I'm upset. You've proved to be one of the strongest people among everybody. You've got the voice of an angel and don't even get me started on your looks. We're sorry for every time we've disappointed you with our stupidity. Hats off to you for bearing with our crap. You're my idol and will always be. I know you would never get to read this but I love you to pieces. You're perfect, you're our batman. 
          Happy Twentieth Birthday, Daddy Direction! I Love you. Xx. 
          P.S I cannot digest the fact that you're not a teenager anymore.


The past few weeks have been crazy. The fact that I haven't been able to write for over a month now is seriously disturbing. But I swear to God that I'm going to update tomorrow or day after tomorrow positively. Love always, Ishana.