Hi folks, it's been a while since we last uploaded a story.
New story coming up soon!
1st chapter to be released on 30th November!!!
Stay tuned...... we are excited for this one
I hope someday people realise words carry so much power than we realise. Spreading hate won't bring anyone peace. If only people could see it costs nothing to spread love and happiness.
Hi there! If you have some vacant time kindly check my profile and read my stories as well. Your vomments are highly appreciated ♥ Thank you in advance. May God bless you ❣
~~monaxen~~ 감사합니다♥
Got7 are so insanely talented. Everything about each individual is so unique. Nothing but immense respect for these insanely talented 7 gifted men who come together as one and blow us all away every single time! So artistically talented!