
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmathullahi Wa Barakathuhu 
          	Hope You are all doing Good..
          	How is your Ramadan 
          	And here, I'm conducting "RAMADAN'24" Quiz in Instagram @binth_jahubar_ & @_hadhi_binth_haja_,  and have a quick plan to post the Questions here also..
          	Take some look for 'RAMADAN'24' Quiz


a token of kindness [ 18th july 2023 ] 
          insecure poems, confident aches; inspired decades yet everyday a death. stretching silences, concrete words; homes that melt and walls that echo. floating feet, rotten flowers; waves that pause in an ocean that seamlessly flows. 
          fluttering thoughts, fiddling feelings; coloured mouths and disappearing promises. hibernating lights and travelling darknesses; lingering lilacs and luminescent shadows. 
          minds of pearls, mouths of venom; do not lose by playing to their strengths. corridors of history, weaponsied love; transient nor malleable. fragile loneliness, screaming insecurities;  not every sunset has to be colourful. 
          sun of rain, thunders of frustration; mornings like amnesia, cloudless burdens. midday pride, repentance heavy; grief stricken victories, blackbird joys. mansions of footsteps, tears of dreams; we are all graves carrying the dying spark of life in us. 


a small token of kindness [ 10th july 2023  ] 
          mountains and decorators, exhaustion and evil eye; surviving bones and careless finds. funeral floods and tumbling sorrows; forests and bridges of laughters and morals. feelings migrated, clouds and dresses; that which rains does not always bring about harvest. 
          clocks of manners, a road of residences; hearts like maples marked along fences. pictures of politeness, smiles like wounds; world a death of another, burial grounds like jasmine blooms. 
          mornings of questions, blurred evening attempts; youth of trial and error, life a honeycomb aged. dreams of wounds, dreams like a father's disappointment; storms like swaying birth, storms sometimes like corpses of discipline.  
          disassociated honour, ribbed filters; what binds is not glue, rather, mutual respect. eastern wind and crepuscular billows; howling books and silent words. the majesticness of months yet the solemnity of years; to the hearts that wriggle with pain, silence is delicate, thin ice-like elegance. 


As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
          How are you doing? I hope you are doing great.
          I'm big fan of your stories. 
           I would love it if you would check out my story HER, AMOR INFINITUS and give some feedback. I hope you will like it as much as I like writing it. This story is so close to my heart because I am putting all my knowledge, love, and interest into it.
          It's a teen novel that revolves around a girl named Ruha. There are so many ups and downs, twists, and turns, but In Sha Allah, it will have a happy ending. Enjoy reading, and if this message disturbs you, then ignore it. 


Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmathullahi Wa Barakathuhu❣ 
          *EID MUBARAK*
           _تَقَبَّلَ اللّهُ مِنَّ وَ مِنْكُمْ_
          *May Allah accept [good deeds] from You and Us*
          *My hearty Eid Wishes to you and your family, relatives & friends* 
          Remember us in your Duas.
          May Allah make your Eid Day with full of Blessings and Happiness.. 


@IshqIshak Eid Mubarak Aapa jaan.❤


Salaam alaikum 


            Nice to meet you
            I do hope that you could review my story
            The name is Nerd Next Door
            I hope you do check it out and give me a feedback when you are less busy
            I could review yours in mu free time if you want
            Thank you for your time!❤️ 


@countryfresh Wa Alaikum Salam Wa Rahmathullahi Wa Barakathuhu sister 



@IshqIshak Walaykum salaam ( ◜‿◝ )♡


Asalam waleikum i would be very grateful if you say yes to writing my name using Arabic calligraphy. Jazakallah khair. 


@Kulthummi Wa Alaikum Salam Wa Rahmathullahi Wa Barakathuhu.. In shaa Allah dr.. kindly msg ur name.. 